Sunday, January 25, 2015

Radio Silence

     It's Sunday Arenians and today has so far started out to be a great one. I have my coffee that I am sipping on and the replay of last night's +B2K Radio show pumping out through the speakers. Due to some unforeseen circumstances last night, the government computer I was logged into locked me out of the live show so I was unable to get the tunes fresh as they were played. I was bitter about it last night. Today, not so much. I prefer to get the music as +Chuck Bisbee is playing it, but a replay works for me. I actually ended up listening to last week's radio show replay while I was on watch. I started it promptly at 7:15 after exhausting all options in trying to get the live show. It definitely made the rest of my watch go a lot faster.
     I ended up not getting home until almost midnight though. I got relieved by my Monster Hunter buddy and we ended up talking nerd for about an hour while watching YouTube videos about the game. He got to the office a little after 10 but I didn't walk out until he looked up and was all, "Yo, go home dude." It was then that I realized that I still needed to go to the store before I went home. In the last three days, I have gone to the store 3 times. The first day was a two-fer visit because I was an idiot and didn't make sure I had a way to pay for what I was buying. Two trips later that day and I was home. Although, I did get a little bit of faith in humanity restored that night while I was out and last night while I was in the checkout line. After my second visit to the store, I was putting my cart away in the cart return place when a gentleman stopped me, shook my hand and thanked me for my service. Same thing happened last night while I was out. It's weird to me because it normally doesn't happen to me. When someone takes 10 seconds out of their day to thank a service member, it really does boost our morale and puts a smile on our faces. It helps us to believe, in some of the darkest times, that what we do really does make a difference and that people appreciate the sacrifices we make. Now, I'm not saying that nobody makes sacrifices, I'm just saying that people notice some of the sacrifices we make.
     Today will be spent cleaning since last week was just so busy that everything got put on the back burner when my lady had emergency surgery for the second time in 2 weeks. She is doing much better now and she is resting. She doesn't like the bed rest that the doctors put her on, but she knows that it is for her benefit. So, I get to spend my one day off this weekend cleaning as much as I can before it all starts back up again tomorrow. I definitely spent more time off last week than normal though. Monday is a given because it was a holiday. Tuesday and Wednesday were because of my lady and her being stuck in the hospital. I finally got to work on Thursday and Friday. Hell, I almost missed Friday because she had to go back to Urgent Care. I did go to work though. Then, of course, I had the watch last night so that to me counts as a day of work. I think I overdid it with the energy drinks though. Three of them in an 8 hour time span. I bought two and was gifted the third one. I started the watch with the gifted one, a little 8 oz can of Monster, and finished the watch with two Limeade Kickstarts. It might explain why 1:30 this morning ended up being my bedtime.
     As the musics play and I type this out, I feel the motivation to get things done flowing through my system. I just have to make sure one kid does his homework while the other three leave him alone. I also have to keep a watch on the little kids to make sure they don't destroy a mostly clean living room. There isn't really that much that needs to get done, it just seems like a mountain of work to fit into one day. I'm probably not going to get it all done today, but I would like to hope that I could. With that being said, it is time for me to go and leave you wondering with anticipation for tomorrow's issue when I reveal whether or not it all got accomplished like I set out to do. This is almost like a book. Do I have you on the edge of your seat? Yeah? No? Well get up and walk around, you have things to do too.

I'm out!!


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