Thursday, January 22, 2015

Lost Time

     Welcome back to the Arena and this gloomy Thursday morning. I'm only saying that it is gloomy because of the grey skies and light rain that we are receiving over here on the left coast. Typical Thursday morning here in the House of Wickid. I have 3 days of work to do and only 6 hours to do it in. I now know the feels of being a "Stay-at-home Dad". I'm not always at home, but when I am I'm always doing chores. Well, at least that is the way I feel. Good thing I have coffee because I don't know how I would get through the day. The sad part of this though, I just opened the last box of coffee. Guess it is time to hit the store and pick up more. I'm not really a grocery store shopper. I'm more of a go in, grab what I need and leave. Unlikely that I can actually go shopping. I would shop everyday because I kind of despise going into a store. I guess I need to suck it up and get the shopping done. I do have to make a list. Add that to the list of things that need to be done. 
     I have been slacking these last couple days. I pretty much have been doing the bare minimum to get me by chores wise. I have been distracted. Like today, I'm standing here in the kitchen listening to music, typing to you peeps, and reading the Sports-ing section of the newspaper. There is an article in there today about the New England Patriots under inflating 11 of 12 of their game balls for the AFC Championship game. The Indianapolis Colts have been apparently complaining about this for months. Well, more like they noticed it in November and didn't say anything until the Championship game. Upon investigating the balls (I'm laughing right now at this), the officials found that 11 of the 12 game balls from the Patriots were under inflated. Referees say that it is cheating. Some of the former referees say the same thing. Like Richard Sherman put it (quoting from the paper), "I'm not sure if anything will come from it, honestly, whether it's true or it's not true. It didn't have much effect on the game. And if it did - if it's against the rules, then it's against the rules. But you'll see that it's not going to have any effect on this game. Nobody is going to get suspended, nothing is going to happen. They're going to play this game. Whatever they did - the risk-reward was greater. They were trying to suspend Marshawn for gold shoes. That really affects the game if you suspend Marshawn for gold shoes. But then you got balls being deflated, and that's an issue." (End quote)
     I think he actually hit this right on the head. Nothing is going to happen and if something does happen, it is more than likely just going to be a fine. I watched the entirety of the AFC Champ game. I felt like there was nothing that the Colts could do to score other than the only touchdown that they actually got. Andrew Luck wasn't as accurate as he normally is, the receivers didn't seem to have the concentration that they usually have. There were many aspects of that game from the Colts perspective that were just lacking. Now, you ask, "Does this mean you condone cheating?" The answer is simple: No, no I don't. I don't believe cheaters should get rewarded, but I am also of two minds about this. At work, we always joke that if you aren't cheating, you aren't trying. This usually doesn't affect others because we are doing something so menial that it really doesn't matter. When there is a big game on the line and an opportunity at being a part of history, whether it is your own or a bigger picture, there is no place for cheating. With that being said, the past is the past and the event has already happened. The thing that gets me the most though is that the specified range of proper inflation is 12.5-13.5 pounds per square inch. They sited that the Colts' balls were up to 13 pounds when inspected at halftime, but they never mention to what pressure the Patriots' balls were inflated to. It begs the question, "What were your findings? Give me numbers!" because if you don't give out the numbers, I could easily assume that the balls were pumped to 12.5 lbs/sq. inch, which by their rules is within standards. Maybe it was between 12.6 and 12.9. Is it so wrong for the balls to be inflated differently that the opposing team? As long as they are within that range, I don't see a problem with it. If you don't provide me numbers, I will just assume the balls were within standards and your case is null and void. Provide the evidence and the numbers before everybody gets all up in a tizzy about someone cheating. Don't give me one side of the story. I like cold hard facts with numbers.
     Enough of the sports-ing talk. I'm just a little heated with the lack of facts. The radio show was great last night and on Saturday, it will be even better. I get to listen to it from the confines of a small office with a crappy view while I sit on watch for 8 hours. It will make the last half of the watch go by a lot faster though. I even got to put the site out there on the chat last night. I might have added a few viewers to the list. +julia metrokas said she would check it out. I looked this morning at the stats before I started typing out the new issue and noticed that yesterday's addition had 8 views! I got super excited. It means that the word is getting out and I have you readers to thank for that. I'm sure she will be surprised that she got mentioned in today's issue. It just so happens that I like letting people know when I appreciate them. So, thanks Julia!! and keep reading. I feel like +Chuck Bisbee because I am usually always on here or on the Facebook. I really should limit my time on that site. I always see so much drama and stuff there, but that is a story for another time. I gots stuff to do!

I'm out!!


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