Thursday, June 27, 2013

Stunned into Silence....

     Today, I was stunned into silence as I was leaving work. I got in my car and checked my phone, like I always do, to see what messages I had gotten while I was working. I got the typical Facebook notifications and emails. I finally got around to checking my text messages after filtering through all of the other notifications and noticed a text message from my beautiful wife. In fact, I had two from her and both were about the kids and the results of their appointments that they had earlier this morning. I read the one about my oldest stepson and breathed a slight sigh knowing that they are taking special care to double check him and make sure that his treatments are going okay. Nothing is seriously wrong with him, but we just had a few concerns about his health. You know, like all parents do when it involves the children and their well-being. Today was no exception. I got to the second text message that was telling me about my 2 year old and how his appointment went. Today pretty much ended as I finished reading the text message. I have become the father of a child with special needs. My son was diagnosed with Level 3 Autism. For those who don't know what Autism is or what to look for, read the following:

     Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted, repetitive or stereotyped behavior. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent before a child is three years old.[2] Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize; how this occurs is not well understood.[3] It is one of three recognized disorders in the autism spectrum (ASDs), the other two being Asperger syndrome, which lacks delays in cognitive development and language, and pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (commonly abbreviated as PDD-NOS), which is diagnosed when the full set of criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome are not met.[4]
Autism has a strong genetic basis, although the genetics of autism are complex and it is unclear whether ASD is explained more by rare mutations, or by rare combinations of common genetic variants.[5] In rare cases, autism is strongly associated with agents that cause birth defects.[6] Controversiessurround other proposed environmental causes, such as heavy metalspesticides or childhood vaccines;[7] the vaccine hypotheses are biologically implausible and lack convincing scientific evidence.[8] The prevalence of autism is about 1–2 per 1,000 people worldwide, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report 20 per 1,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with ASD as of 2012 (up from 11 per 1,000 in 2008).[7][9][10]The number of people diagnosed with autism has been increasing dramatically since the 1980s, partly due to changes in diagnostic practice and government-subsidized financial incentives for named diagnoses;[10] the question of whether actual prevalence has increased is unresolved.[11]
Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life.[12] The signs usually develop gradually, but some autistic children first develop more normally and then regress.[13] Early behavioral, cognitive, or speech interventions can help autistic children gain self-care, social, and communication skills.[12] Although there is no known cure,[12] there have been reported cases of children who recovered.[14] Not many children with autism live independently after reaching adulthood, though some become successful.[15] An autistic culture has developed, with some individuals seeking a cure and others believing autism should be accepted as a difference and not treated as a disorder.[16]

     We had a general idea that he might have it, but there was that hope in the back of our minds that had us thinking that maybe it was a phase, something he would grow out of. The symptoms were there and we suspected, but we were hoping that we were wrong. Today confirms what we had "feared" all along. I have been a mixture of emotions today ranging for sobbing for my son to being extremely quiet and deep in thought. I haven't quite hit the anger stage of my grieving at this point in time and I fear for what will happen if I do. I have gotten onto a couple of the support groups so that I can get help and answers from those that are already doing what I am about ready to do. My wife and I are looking at going into marriage counseling. No, it isn't because we need help in the marriage, but because we are going to need help on coping with being able to care for our special child. I haven't really "been here" mentally for the kids today. I have been going through the motions that are on automatic and slowly I have been catching up. I have been distracted a lot since I got home and have lost a few minutes of time because I have just spaced out trying to process everything that is happening. 
     Nothing has changed between me and my son, or the rest of the family for that matter. He is still MY son, will always be MY son, and that will never change. We will start this journey together and finish it in true fashion. I won't always be here for him, but I will always fight for him and support him. There will never be a day that goes by where he isn't on my mind or that his Autism isn't first and foremost in my head. I made him, I care for him and it will stay that way for as long as we both shall live. Yes, that is what they say during the vows of a wedding, but this isn't a wedding and this is my vow to MY son, MY Autistic child, My heart and MY hero. We can make it through anything and this will be another one of those "things" that we make it through.
     This edition was somber, but you must understand the state of shock that I am in at this current point in time. You always look at people and see what conditions or disorders that someone has and you feel bad for them. You don't feel pity bad, but you feel genuinely bad for them and you sit back and wonder what the caretakers must go through and how they cope with everything. You hope above all hope that you never have something like that happen to you. Usually, 95 percent of the time, nothing that you ever see happens to you and you feel pretty good that you have made it through life without serious complications. The other 5 percent of us are here to tell you that it isn't easy to do what we do, deal with what we deal with, and cope with what we cope with. It is a day by day struggle that we have to learn on a whim when the moments hit. You never know when your special someone is going to have a good or bad day. You have to always be aware of new triggers that could upset someone and try like hell to keep those triggers from happening again. Tomorrow is a new day and we will struggle through it together.
     Keep reading the editions that are coming to a computer screen near you. Sit back and think about what you see and who you talk to. You never know when it will happen to you. See you next time on...... The Arena.

Editor In Chief


Sunday, June 23, 2013


     Today has been one of those days that everything has been distracting me from my tasks that I intended to complete. I did however get some good notes going on the book and now I need to finish working on the notes for the start and get the first two chapters written, or typed, I don't know which yet. This book writing thing is really hard. Too much stuff to keep up with that I must make sure makes sense while I am writing. It's a good thing that +Chuck Bisbee will be my editor and look over my stuff when I finally get it completed. I just hope that he can withstand all of the bull crap that I am going to send his way and not get tired of reading all of it. I know that he is very busy with his own book. Well, his second one that he is working on. 
     I have been distracted by children, movies that I have put on for them and pretty much anything else that would be a worthy distraction. Too much has been spent on the Facebook today and I am not sure why I still let it "control" me. It is those damn silly apps and games that they have which they use to hook you in and then they laugh as they watch you waste your life making sure that you do the daily things EVERY single day! Today, I have watched Batman and Robin, Batman (with Michael Keaton) and now we have just finished Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first one). I am so sad that I have been distracted some very good movies. Now I have made myself even more distracted because I put on Star Trek. I'm such a nerd. I can't help it, that movie was too good. I saw it in theaters and I watched every minute of it. See, I got distracted because I started to digress. Who knew it was so easy. 
     Anyways, I am trying my hardest not to get distracted, but unfortunately I have very low will power and I need to make it better. It is very easy if you want to see it in action. I always can find the shiny object that isn't even there. You know what I'm saying?? Now I am listening to my nerdy sister in-law talk about how she has all of the lord of the rings soundtracks. The movies were good, but definitely not good enough to get the soundtracks for. Now, if we were to talk about any of the Batman movies and their soundtracks, then you have me hooked and those are the best soundtracks ever! I can listen to those all day long. 
     I have been distracted long enough that I have completely forgotten as to why I even started this post. Oh yeah...... distractions. That's why I started this post. See? I got distracted. That is all for this edition from the Arena. Time to go get distracted and watch the rest of this movie and then head to bed. The next edition will be on your screen soon!

Editor In Chief


Writer's Block

     What a horrible thing to have when you are trying to get ideas and such for a book together so that it can be written. I have never really had an problem with the block, but it seems that since I want to go and do something that would be fun, the block comes and plants itself right in the middle of my dome piece. I don't have the block when I am writing, well typing, on here and this is bothering me that I can't get started on something that I want to do. It's not that I don't want to do this, but this is just for me and those that are perusing the interwebs looking for things to do. I want to be able to create something that millions worldwide will want to read and reread. It can be a downer to not be able to do this, but I will fight tooth and nail to complete this one thing. If it is successful, I will continue to pursue more books and stories that everyone will enjoy. 
     It also doesn't help that I get distracted rather easily and the kids have needs that I must attend to. I hope that I can work around these distractions and get going. I have a few pages of research that I have found in hopes that I can take this story into some sort of direction. Here is a quick preview of what I am hoping to accomplish. It is just an idea that I have been tossing around and isn't actually anything that I have put into a work in progress on paper. 

     I am intending to do this book about a guy named Kristoph that is unaware of his werewolf ancestry. He has a twin brother that was separated from him at birth that he has no clue about and will eventually fight him in the ultimate final battle. Kristoph is really the only character name that I have come with, but he does have a lady friend that has the hots for him and he is kind of dense and doesn't realize it for a long time. They are childhood friends with Kristoph being a business magnate and his lady friend being another executive in his company. His twin brother is a mercenary that has fought in two wars. The brother also doesn't know about his ancient ancestry and will discover this secret during a mercenary battle one late night. They happen to have a chance meeting during a very civil dinner that both of their families just happen to be at. 

     So far this is what I have come up with and I think that it is pretty good, but then just like everyone else who has started something and never saw the idea to fruition, I always think that no one will like it. I should just put this silly fear to the side and just do what it is that I want to do. I'm sure that whoever reads this will find a way to contact me and let me know what they think. I know there are at least a few people off of the top of my head that will give me some constructive criticism and feedback. I will let you know now, that I appreciate everything that you will say, whether it is good or bad, and learn from it so that I can make the finished product a masterpiece. 
     This is all for the latest edition of the Arena. Enjoy the read and contact me via Google+ to let me know what you think. I always read my emails, even if it takes me about a day or so to get to them. I have a very busy schedule with the kids and my job, so don't be impatient and know that I look forward to reading the inputs.

Editor In Chief


Saturday, June 22, 2013


     Birthingdays are the best days in the world when you spend them with people who make you laugh and cause you zero stress. Today was one such occasion. I got to spend it with one of my favoritest people in the entire world. Yes, the entire world. No, I don't know everyone in the world, but ho cares about all of that. I only need to know certain people and I happen to know this one quite well. +Chuck Bisbee had a birthday today and we did it in style. If you read the last edition of the arena, then you know that we had a hangout via the interwebs and chairdanced the night away. I had a beer and some coke-a-cola, not at the same time mind you, and laughed for many reasons. One of the main reasons is because of +tim kimbrough and his white girl dancing. He is such a pro at doing the white girl dances. No rhythm whatsoever, but it is one of the many reasons why I love him. He makes me laugh. It's what he does. We laughed for no apparent reason to the people on the outside, but we don't care about them. Chuck and Tim even got to meet my sister in-law and my mother in-law via the webcam on my wife's computer. My computer feels lame now because it doesn't have a camera on it.
     I totally meant to play video games tonight while my wife was at work and I am very glad that I didn't. After the broadcast, I sat up talking with Chuck about all kinds of memories and answering his questions about the Seattle area and what he is going to look forward to when he gets the opportunity to come and live out here. I hope that everything goes well next week for Chuck and that I can look forward to him, with certainty, that he and Tim are on their way out to the West Coast to enjoy the rest of their time out here. It makes me never want to move ever again. It's hard not seeing my favorite people for years at a time. The video games can wait for another day. I wouldn't miss talking to Chuck via webcam for anything. I never did tell him how to beat Mr. Freeze in Batman Arkham City. It's a good thing I know his email address and his website addresses because I can still get a hold of him to give him the sweet secrets of defeating one of Gotham City's super villains. 
     Anywho, it is late for me and I went to bed really late last night due to playing the video games. I must go finish the dishes and then head to bed. Maybe read a book, but go to sleep nonetheless. Hang on to your seats and standby for the next edition coming to you straight from the arena.

Editor In Chief,


Friday, June 21, 2013

Full Work Week Complete

     Today marks the end of my first full work week on shore duty. I have pretty much done nothing except show up and look like I am busy. I have done a few check-ins because I still have to do those and get all nice and checked in to the command. I even felt accomplished the other day because I actually did some no shit work. I even went down to my first boat because that is where the work was being done. I sat down there for about two hours and learned some things and routed some paperwork and got to ride in a vehicle other than my own. 
     My wife is off on her own going to work tonight and I get to keep the children busy until Nani gets home to help out while I cook dinner. My wife is semi-enjoying her job too. She is doing fast food again and apparently she did well enough on her first day that they are giving her more hours. It doesn't help that she has already worked for this company before and has held various fast food positions and is rather talented at doing it. She refuses to be promoted if given the opportunity. I understand why she won't take it and its a decision that we have come to mutually. The whole random calls from work and getting randomly called in because someone is stupid or didn't show up to work is not something that we can handle right now. The kids are too little and they have too many appointments for us to have to worry about who is going to watch them if I'm still at work and she gets called in. I'm not all about having to leave work constantly because of other people not being able to do their own job. She wasn't even supposed to work today and they have already called her in. It's not a bad thing because we could always use the extra money that her job is making, but sometimes it is detrimental to plans staying on track. Not that we had plans for tonight, but if it we did, we wouldn't be doing them. I know that it sounds a little whiny, but hey, I can do that because I'm the one typing this not you. Ha!
     Tomorrow brings hanging out at home with the boys and and the wife going to work again later in the afternoon. It is also +Chuck Bisbee's birthingday and we are celebrating it in style. Chairdancing with a hangout with a bunch of friends via the interwebs. If you haven't already checked it out, visit and see what fun that website has in store for you. Saturdays nights are the live broadcasts and awesome music! Come join us tomorrow and celebrate an awesome man! 
     Standby for the next exciting edition from the arena. Tell the voices to keep it down so that they do not distract you from looking for new story.

Editor In Chief,


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Circumcision v. Murder

     You guessed it! This post is being written because some retard had the nerve to say that circumcision is worse that somebody getting an abortion. Now for those who have their own life decisions and moral fortitude and all of that happy jazz, realize before you go off on your tangents and get on your soap boxes, that this is just my opinion and that the opinions expressed in the Arena are of my own free will and are being made of sound mind. I don't want to hear about your reasons as to why you think that not circumcising your little boys penis is better for him and how "barbaric" it is to have it done and why you think he should have a choice in the matter. This is my soap box, my rant, and I will tell you how I feel about the whole situation being a circumcised adult myself.
     Here is some back story into the whole argument that I saw my wife having with someone else on Facebook. I'm severely tempted to just delete my Facebook and go straight G+, but it's the games on Facebook that have me hooked. Then again, I can just play the games that I have already installed on my computer and forgo the interwebs altogether, but I digress. So, my wife saw this post that was talking about how "barbaric" a circumcision is for a baby that is only a day old. Now being the way that I am and knowing that I usually can't keep my mouth shut that I feel strongly about. I feel strongly about the reasons for getting a newborn baby boy a circumcision. First off, the little won't remember any of the pain that he is experiencing and not only that, the hospitals shoot him up with so many different shots, that it really doesn't make a difference.After witnessing one of my own son's circumcision, I am actually happy that he doesn't remember a thing nor will he have the cleaning issues that comes along with foreskin.It just involves a little bit of Vaseline to keep the diaper from sticking to his genitals and a watchful eye to make sure that it doesn't get infected. It's not that hard and for the love of gawd, I can live with my kids being in pain for a few days then knowing that I killed an unborn child.
     Now, this isn't saying that having to deal with the psychological issues that follow a rape victim and the reasons for wanting to get rid of a child that came with the violent crime makes having an abortion legit. I still wouldn't get an abortion because there is no reason to kill something that can't even defend itself. There are women out there today that will make the conscious decision to go out and fornicate with random men while they are intoxicated or inebriated. A couple weeks down the road, they find out they are pregnant and the first thing they want to do is go out and find a way to get rid of their "mistake" that happened on that one drunken night. Yes, alcohol does lower your inhibitions and your ability to make decisions, but why would you put yourself in that situation anyways. I know that as a father of four, I will always say something like that or to that effect. I have learned from a few years of hard drinking that it really isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Try doing things from my point of view  and see what it's like to be a parent. Yeah, I made that choice to be a parent and I enjoy it. Don't let the "mistake" of one night ruin your views on being a parent.

     So that is my rant. Three days after I started this, I have finally finished it. Wait for the next edition from the arena.

Later Daze


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Back To Work We Go

     It's that time again dear friends where I head back to work and lose myself in the joys of working on things that I have fun fixing. The only problem with that is that I pretty much just sit in the shop and attempt to look like I belong there. It has been brought to my attention that we just do random paperwork and help whenever we can. I am totally down for that because that means I can spend more time focusing on my home life and my golf swing. Well, not so much my golf swing, but I can do things like go to school and take college courses and even attempt to get a degree. I'm going to have multiple chances to make E-6, which is my career goal for those who don't know. Being that there are only three of us navy guys in the shop in the mornings, it makes it really easy to see what I can get done that isn't in the shop. In the last five days, which is only how long I've been working, I have put in maybe a total of 40 hours. That's just a guess mind you and I the latest I have had to stay is 1400 (2 p.m.) for you non military types. I can tell you one thing for certain, doing six years of continuous sea duty was worth all of the time off that I will be receiving for the next three years. All of the stress, heartache, late nights, duty, and hours missed at home will now be repaid once I get into a routine and a regular schedule. As it stands right now, I am slated to go to the Safety Office at IMF for the first portion of my shore duty. 
     I do have some great news to go along with me going back to work. My old lady also found a job and has returned to work herself after a long four years of staying at home with little children. For the record, I did not make her stay at home with the children, it was a mutual decision that we made for the best of our family and what we needed at that time. Now that we are back in Washington and I will be home a whole lot more, I figured it was time for her to head back to work so that we could have some extra spending money for when we want to do things like going to Seattle and money for me to hit the links and get away from everyone for four hours. It makes me happy that she is going back to work because now I can get some one-on-one time with the boys by making them ask me to do stuff so that they can get used to me being home. I am enjoying the fact that I can pretty much leave when I want to take of things that need to be taken care of. It makes me so happy knowing that for the next three years, I really won't miss anything family related. In fact, I just got to watch my youngest son take his first three unassisted steps! Makes me so happy because I have missed the first steps of my other boys. Now, I have been made one happy daddy. 
     Sorry that this is a short edition of the arena, but I have children to get ready for bed and chores to do and garbage to take out and other random household duties that should make my wife very happy knowing that I have done them so that she doesn't have to do them.

Editor In Chief,


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Not Working Has its Advantages

     I have been "out of work" since the beginning of the month and I have to tell you that not having to go to work for as long as I have definitely has it's advantages. I have spent so much time at home, that it even feels weird to be talking about work right now. As most of you know, I am going to shore duty and that it will not involve going out to sea or getting a sea bag packed with all of my stuff or even having to worry about standing 12 hours of watch in a single day on very little sleep. In fact, I have been getting so much sleep that I have had trouble getting out of bed in the morning. It is most noticeable by my wife who is always saying something about me getting to sleep in and not getting up at seven o'clock in the morning. I do have to say that I am spoiled more than my own children because of this and it should bother me. It does to a certain point. I don't see it as a big deal, like my wife does, but it does make me less cranky later in the day. In fact, I have gone from yelling at the kids for every little thing to just merely talking and not raising my voice. So much easier, by the way. I actually enjoy not having the stress of yelling at them and making the choice to calmly talk to them and make sure that they understand that what they did was wrong. I have gone four days now without yelling and screaming at children and I have only had to swat a butt for a wrong doing only once. I used to think that I was going to become this disgusting tyrant and yell at my kids all the time, but seeing the stress lines that it put into my wife's face every time she had to sit there and listen to me yell at children made me sit back and think about what exactly it was that I was doing. Not working has also helped this tremendously because I am not as stressed out as I used to be. 
     Another advantage to not working for so long is the fact that I get to be a "stay-at-home" dad and spend loads of time with all four of my boys. Things will change in 11 days, but that's because I actually have to go back to work then. We have pretty much done nothing except sitting on the couch and watching movies and kid's shows and enjoying each other's company while the days go by. The boys have had fun having me around to tickle them and play with them, even after I have yelled at them, and generally just being able to have my undivided attention when I'm not on the computer doing random things. I will admit that I have spent way too much time on the computer playing on the Facebook and League of Legends when I should be spending that time helping out around the house like I had promised, but spending the time at home instead of immediately going back to work once we got our stuff was way more important. I have even picked up a new Saturday night habit of listening in on +Chuck Bisbee's weekly podcast of live music. In fact, it is currently playing in the background right now. It has made the Saturday night much more enjoyable. I feel bad because it took me so long to finally get off my ass and listen in. I should have supported him sooner by listening in, but I know that something this simple is easy for him to forgive and now that I am constantly looking forward to Saturday to listen, I am sure that he is much happier knowing that my ears are listening and my butt is dancing in the chair. Sorry, got distracted for a minute with about five conversations going on at the same time while trying to chair dance and type this up. 
     I wish I knew as much about music as my uncle does. Such a variety of different music pumping through my ears. So without further ado, I shall leave you to your own variety of chair dancing with the music of and have you anxiously hanging on the edge of your seats with antici..........................pation for the next edition of wickid's arena!

Later Daze
