Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hump Day!!

Asses from around the world!
 It is that day again dear friends! So I am here to wish you a Happy Hump Day from around the world!! The paper work pile is getting smaller and smaller and that frown is starting to become just a flat line. Smiles will be abound tomorrow after everyone clocks out for the day. I am having a glorious Wednesday because I got my car back from the shop and the hood looks phreaking amazing!! Hell, I even had a nap when I got home from work today!! It has been a relatively slow day today, but I will be staying up late into the night because I don't have to get up terribly early tomorrow. I get to see my surgeon and the drug doctor (the anesthesiologist) for my surgery that is happening next Thursday. I'm not ready to have the side of my face cut open again (for the 10th or 11th time) but it must be done. Maybe this doctor can figure out what the hell is causing my problem and fix it for good this time. I still blame the submarine for reigniting my cyst issue near my left ear. They call it a preauricu-something but I am having issues spelling right now. I just woke up from the nap and I am currently waiting for the headache medicine to kick in and stop the horrible throbbing that is invading my mind. Are the voices trying to get you ask? No, I beat them into submission and do my own thing. If you want to know about the voices in someone's head visit and read what goes on there. That guy has loads of things going on in his head and the voices are always screaming to get out. He is actually the one that got me to use BC powder (he uses Goody's) to fix my headaches. Of course, you are wondering how I know this. The wonderful man that runs that site is my Uncle. I would never send you, my wonderful readers, to a website that I don't know about. It is already bad enough that the porn sites try to fill up the screen with so many popups that you can't watch what you originally went there to see (No I don't look at porn at all).
     Speaking of porn, do you know what pops up when you type the words "Hump Day" into your Google search bar? There are so many pictures (I used images and that is how you got the Asses from around the world) about humping! I guess you can say that I am not search engine savvy because I am just amazed at what I find when I type in innocent words. I don't spend much time looking things up or doing anything crazy on the internet (maybe I should start) because I spend most of my computer time on Google+ or playing some PC game like Sim City or League of Legends. Since my wife is working tonight, I think I can spend my hump day playing video games via the XBox 360 because I have the urge to play Skyrim again. Shout out to the +Skyrim community that I became a part of about two days ago! You guys ROCK!! I like seeing all the amazing things that people do plus I can get tips, tricks, and questions answered from the players. If you haven't gotten yourself into some communities on G+, then you are seriously missing out. 
     Just forgot what I was going to type............ Oh yeah........ wait for it......... It's going to come back to me....... Ah, there it is. The headache medicine is finally kicking in and the music is a glorious addition to my typing fuel. Avenged Sevenfold blasting (well low volume at this point) in my ears to get me chairdancing for a bit. I need to remember that Saturday is more chairdancing, but on a grander scale. My uncle will be supplying the tunes for that. I love that dude! Sorry, got distracted again. Damn those shiny objects! I was looking at all the different communities again and found a Final Fantasy one and started drooling. Now where did I put that hand towel...... 
     My Wednesday was good, hope yours is and was (depending on where you are) too and that you look forward to tomorrow and the next exciting edition from here at the Arena.

Until next time,


Monday, July 29, 2013

A Case of the Mondays

     Yes dear friends, it is Monday again. It is just in time to start another week of work or whatever it is that you do during that week that isn't done on a weekend. For me, it is another day to get up early, sit in an office for about four and half hours, work out for one hour, and then sit at home for the rest of the day. Why are Mondays the worst day of the week? Is it because you spent so much time doing superfluous stuff over the weekend? Is it because you are hung over from the night before? Or is it just because Monday is a horrible name for the beginning of the work week? I shall go with all three because Sunday is the best time to do all of the crazy shit that Saturday couldn't contain. At least I got some good news to start my Monday. The tow company that decided to destroy my hood is replacing my hood as I type this. Well, maybe not as I type this, but my car should be ready by tomorrow afternoon with my brand new hood. It was free for me because they are paying for it. I am happy to report that they are paying over $500 to replace their mistake. To me, that is one costly mistake. If I was a business owner, I would stress on the job safety, especially if I was the owner of a TOW COMPANY! Nothing is more dangerous than an idiot behind. Trust me on this, I have seen my fair share of them. I'm still trying to grasp how he didn't see my car which was parked under a street lamp. My wife didn't even need the flash from her phone to get the pictures on her phone. Either way, I'm happy because I don't have to pay.
     Enjoy the rest of the Monday and look forward to Tuesday ( you know, that day just around the corner) and be happy that you are one day closer to Friday.

Until next time,


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week's End

     Today has been one of those days where I have rarely found my computer chair and instead have found all of the cleaning supplies and the counters and other arbitrary places in my house. Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the Arena, I have been cleaning like there is no tomorrow. I have done things that I don't normally do because my wife has always taken care of them. I don't know what happened this morning, but since I have gotten up, I have been going at roughly 90 miles an hour to get some places around the house clean. I feel very accomplished today because of all that I have gotten done.
     I have also realized that it has been a few days since the last time I have talked to you guys and provided you with the newest sensation to come right off of the presses. I apologize dearly for this friends and I will try even harder now to give you more of what you want. I can only assume that you want more of the Arena and the joyous reads that you find here. Subscribe and save on your edition (just kidding, it's free) and get them as they come to you.
     I know that I haven't been forth coming with "Tainted Sands" like I said I would be so here for your reading pleasure is a small, a small, excerpt from the book:

     The dew sat gently on the grass in the early morning light. Reggie leaned forward to stare further out onto the field as a quick flash caught his eye. The last thing Reggie saw was the flash of the sniper's muzzle as the bullet ripped through his body. Screams filled the compartment as recruits moved and Reggie's body slumped to the floor. Two recruits felt the burn of the bullet that killed their Drill Instructor. One young recruit ran into the office to call for the medics and report the death of the Staff Sergeant. Many hid while waiting for the medics, hoping and praying that no more shots would ring through that compartment.

     Now again, this is just a small part of what I have been working on and I hope that it satisfies you for now. I have been trying to figure out how I want to end the current chapter that I am on in hopes that I can grab the attention of the reader and keep them wanting more. It is much harder than you would expect and I am having trouble trying to get it right. I have a few people reading the chapter to give me ideas. 

     Things at work have been going slow and steady. Not much to report there except that I hardly work. This might explain why I did so much at home today. Lucas, my youngest son, is walking more and more as the days go by. It makes me happy that I get to be home to see it.

     Well, it is time for me to finish my dinner and do the dishes and then finish the rest of the cleaning. Let me know via comment or message with your opinions of the excerpt that is above. I'll talk to you guys later.

Until next time,


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Recent Events

     I know that I told those dedicated to the Arena that I would post something for you guys to sink your reading teeth into yesterday, but unfortunately things have been hectic since I said that. Monday, as you know, is the worst day in the entire phreaking universe to ever get shit done. I still haven't found a Monday in my history of Mondays where I have actually accomplished what it was that I went out to do. It will probably never happen, unless of course some strange fabric in the space time continuum breaks and Mondays last for three weeks straight. No, I will not wish that evil upon anybody because I know how much Mondays drag on and how much they suck.
     Since they last time I told you I was going to post here, I have said a lot of things. I told you that more stuff about "Tainted Sands" would be coming to a computer screen near you. I, unfortunately, have not made any significant progress since the last time I talked about the book. Autistic children need a lot of attention and a lot of my attention has been directed at him. Do not fear my friends, for this book will get written and it will be completed. I have not given up on this nor do I intend to let it collect the proverbial "dust" inside a folder on my hard drive. I have also been absent from the chair-dancing scene for the last two weeks. I am sad that I have missed all of the joy that comes with the music from my Uncle's radio station. I shall be there and ready to listen come this Saturday. I don't have any plans except spending time with the Littles and doing some housework while jamming out. I may not be chair-dancing, but I will be present. I also haven't talked to my uncle for almost a month and a half now. That might be my fault for not wanting to talk to him until he talks to me first, in accordance with his wishes but, at some point I need to get a hold of him and see if I can hash out whatever it was that mad him angry at me in the first place. I'm pretty sure that I know why he got upset with me in the first place, but that is between him and I and I shall leave that family business where it belongs, with the family.
     I have learned a lot about my little Yellow and his exceptional personality trait. He is a very intelligent little man with loads of potential. He has had his good days and his bad days. They are pretty much even in terms of when they happen, but it is getting easier and easier to handle him when his bad days do occur. It isn't always easy, but sometimes it is. If you have an Autistic child, I encourage you to learn all that you can because every one of them is different. Your child will be different than mine and they may be triggered by a multitude of different things, but please, learn all that you can about this "disorder", or as I like to call it an "exceptional personality trait". You will learn about all of the support groups and all of the things that you can do to help YOU and your little one. The most important thing above all that I have learned besides taking care of your young one, is to make sure that you take that time out of your day or week to take care of YOURSELF.
     As you can tell from a previous edition from the Arena, I have become increasingly addicted to Sim City. Whoever thought that this was a fantastic game shall rot in Hell, if they aren't doing so already. I won't go into much detail here because there is a whole edition just on this damn game. Speaking of video games, I have taken some time out of my day to treat myself to some console video game time after my younglings have gone to bed. It has been a varying mixture of games that range from Batman Arkham Asylum to Fallout 3. I even dabbled a bit into the world of Minecraft and found that I also have a craving for that game as well. I am going to get it for my XBox at some point so that I can enjoy something more than like the twenty minutes they give you on the demo version.
     Saturday night, well Sunday morning really, started with a very angry Wickid. My wife had to work her normal shift on Saturday night and then had to turn around and work a graveyard shift about two hours after she got off work. Not a big issue for me because, you know, extra money and all of that stuff. What made me angry when I woke up on Sunday was the hole that was in the hood of my car that a Tow truck driver decided that I needed. He apparently "couldn't see" the grey car that was sitting UNDERNEATH THE STREETLIGHT!!!!! How f*&^ed up is that? How do you miss something that shines under the light when you are backing up?? I don't miss stuff like this. Maybe it's because I actually pay attention to my surroundings or maybe its because I love my car so much that I don't want to see it get damaged. Who knows why I don't get into accidents, but that's just not the point here. My wife tells me this after she gets home. I was sleeping when she got home since it was only like 715 in the morning and the boys were still sleeping so I decided to sleep in as well. I'm half asleep when I found out so I just rolled over and went back to sleep without getting too upset. I will tell you that my ferocity increased about 100 fold when I stepped out the door to see the scrapes and scratches and the hole that was there. I have personally dented my car twice and lost two mirrors. All things that I have done personally. I was mad about them and I was mad when I did some of them. Yes, I put the two dents in the car, one with my foot and the other with my fist. It saved me a Domestic Violence charge, so I don't regret doing them. The damn tow truck guy fixed the one on my hood, but the dirty bastard left the damn hole in its place. Not a very good way to end my weekend.
     Monday was uneventful, like all Mondays are. I didn't get much work done and I was really lazy when I got home. Of course, I freely admit that I use the excuse of it being Monday to justify me being lazy. I'm comfortable with that and I don't care what you say about me and my Mondays. I do what I do because I can do it. Today I found out that I missed my E-6 advancement by 13.99 points (yes this is exact). Not bad for my first ever time taking it. I scored in the 84th percentile and for any of my fellow military people out there that know about the Navy Advancement Exams, knows that this is pretty damn good when you are rated against the ENTIRE FLEET. My next exam is in September so wish me luck when the time gets nearer. Not that I worry about the exam itself, but who doesn't like more money???
     So there is everything (I think) in a nutshell for what has been happening here at the Arena. Don't burn your fingers grabbing this as it comes straight off the presses and onto your computer screen, but keep the Aloe close just in case. You never know what can happen when you do silly stuff, like grabbing hot paper fresh from a printer.

From the Arena,


Meaning to be here....

     I have been meaning to be here for some time now, but due to my last edition "Stunned into Silence", I have been in hiding for very good reason. Yes, it is true, my wee Yellow has Autism and I am still in shock of what has happened. 
     I have also been busy with work and getting into a nice routine of doing things from that perspective. Leaving Facebook alone, I have decided to venture into the world that is Google+. If you are looking for me on the Facebook, you can still find me, but just know that I have moved to G+. I know that I told you guys that I was starting a book called "The Wolf Within". I have canned that idea and have reverted back to the book I started about a year and a half ago while I was breathing water for about 100 days. This "new" one has been titled "Tainted Sands". There will be more put out about the latest change in ideas, but for now be happy with the fact that I have a new plan in mind and it is going to be fabulous. 
     Once I get everything ironed out with the aspects of what I want, I will give you a slight insight with excerpts from the book. You know, just enough to keep you on edge and wanting more. I won't tell you when I give you the inside sneak peeks. You will just have to watch and wait for them. 
    On to other things! Life since Yellow's diagnosis has been going fairly well I guess. We have had our ups and downs with his mood swings and tantrums. I have learned a lot about Autism and my patience. Some times I don't have the patience for his tantrums, but I am slowly learning to keep my cool in the midst of everything that is going on. Lucas has been getting better and better with his walking and he has been getting into pretty much everything that he can get his hands on. His climbing has improved and he can even get up on the camp chairs all by himself. So, he has been doing much better since the start of his therapies. 
     For those who were hoping that I would be moving back to the East Coast once this shore tour is done are in for a sad surprise. With Damen and his Autism, he has been classified as a Category V EFM in the Exceptional Family Member program. Basically, that means moving to another homeport for sea duty and moving in general is not recommended so that he can have continuous care. Now, that isn't to say that I won't Geo-Bach if I have to, but it is highly unlikely for me to move again. 

From the Arena,


Sim City or Sin City??

     Confused by the title of this? I was too before I decided to type it out. You probably asked yourself why I am asking about a computer game and referencing a movie and/or Las Vegas. It actually has to do with the computer game, Sim City. This PC game has become my newest addiction in the realm of PC gaming. I have spent many hours attempting to make the perfect city and attempting to create a city that actually results in a profit every month. Unfortunately, I have failed on both counts on multiple occasions. I have sat up at night trying to think of new ways to plot the city so that every zone is separate from each other and how to expand them appropriately and all kinds of different things that one thinks about whenever they start up this game. In fact, as I am writing this, I am plotting my next city. Since I have started playing this game, I have never been able to get a city to grow past a population of a mere 51,000 Sims nor have I been able to get a city to create a profit. I haven't quite found the balance of taxes and spending control to keep the ledger in the black. This is probably one reason why my wife controls the finances and not me. Regardless of that fact, I am bound and determined to defeat this sinful game and come out on top. 
     It disturbs me that even though I put the game difficulty on easy (hey, I'm trying to have at least ONE successful city), that this game is practically impossible to beat. Maybe it is because I am so antsy to get everything built and trying to anticipate the needs of my populace or maybe it is just that I completely suck at the game, but that's neither here nor there. What the point is, is that I want to have a successful city damn it and I will get it one way or another. The "walkthroughs" that you can find online aren't really much help nor do they describe exactly how you should do something. They don't even tell you when you should build stuff and how you should do it to gain and maintain the proper funds to procure a profit. I have searched in a multitude of places and have come up empty. This game is crazy enough as it is without driving me crazy at the same damn time. I have spent so much time on this game that my wife has threatened to take the power cord from the computer and hide it so that I will stop playing this game at a reasonable hour. I have spent many nights going to bed at about 1 in the morning because either my city crashed and burned or I just saved it and started a different one. 
     If you have this game feel free to contact me via Google+ messaging or leave the comments and suggestions in the local inbox on the arena. Now to go publish the edition of the Arena that I was supposed to do yesterday.....

From the Arena,
