Saturday, May 9, 2015

Into the 90s!!

     Hello and welcome back to The Arena!! We are finally here!! Into the 90's we go with this, the newest edition. It's another Saturday that is almost gone from the books and we are still raring to go! There is a plethora of things to do and not much time to do them in. I'm still in the process of making supper and the tunes are blasting through the speakers. The kids are out in the living room watching Netflix. They have been changing the shows up so much that I'm not really sure what they are watching, but at least it is cartoons and they are being quiet. That is the important thing. 

     I spent most of the afternoon outside with the kids. They got to play with the neighbor girls in the little kiddie pool just out front on the sidewalk. They made themselves a water slide. Some ingenious little kids we have. I spent that time catching up on my Monster Hunter. I just made G2 so I am moving up slowly in the world. I think I have an online man date with my buddy later. It all depends on when he texts me to tell me that he is ready to play. Hopefully he is up to playing tonight. I need to farm a few monsters for armor and weapons. That G-Rank Zinogre is calling my name. I want both the regular and Stygian armor. Such badassery that I need. Even if he doesn't play, I at least plan on playing until my wife gets home. She was supposed to go out tonight, but now she isn't sure if she is going to or not because her shoulder is feeling so hot. She hurts so she just might come home and try to sleep. I will try to get her to let me rub her legs and feet though. She usually needs it and I know how much it makes her feel better. Plus, tomorrow is Mother's Day so she needs to be treated right. Don't forget to call your mom!! That shit is important to them don't you know?

     Saturday night marks the halfway point of the weekend. It means staying up late and doing things that are fun with the ability to make Sunday into a lazy day. If only I could do that, I would feel amazing come Monday morning. Just had my weekend brighten up a little bit. As most of you readers know, the wife and I finally got her sister to move out of our house. Yeah, we lost our babysitter, but we gained some much needed relief and space. Scheduling has been a little conflicted, but it is nothing that we can't handle. Now bear in mind that she moved out just under 2 months ago. I was making my supper for the night since the kids wanted something easy and I decided against making what I was planning on making in favor of saving it for breakfast tomorrow and I got a text message from my sister in-law asking to come over. I said sure because I'm a nice guy and I figured she wanted to see the kids. She texted me back saying nevermind Josh got arrested. Upon further inquiry, I learn that Jamie (my SIL) is kicking her friend Stephanie out of their apartment because of a bunch of drama. Quick story: my sister in law lives with her friends Stephanie and Josh (not me obviously). Josh and Jamie both have jobs that they go to everyday to help pay their portion of the rent. Apparently Jamie cam home from work or something today to a bunch of dudes in Stephanie's room. We don't ask questions here so I advise you not to either. Jamie didn't feel safe so she called Josh to have him come home and help out. Josh gets there and there is supposedly a shouting match that happened between another guy and Josh. Stephanie calls the cops because Josh is being "too threatening". These aren't my words, I'm just relaying the story. Cops come and haul Josh off to jail and Stephanie starts verbally attacking Jamie and yelling at her. Well, there are some things that you just don't do to your friend's and my family. That just so happens to be one of them. So Jamie gets tired of it and like an adult, she is kicking Stephanie out of the apartment. If I remember right, it was Stephanie's idea for them to all get an apartment. Jamie had had enough because Stephanie was refusing to get a job or something. I agree with Jamie. You don't want to get a job to help support yourself and your friends, then you need to go. Plain and simple. Now, all of Jamie's sisters and her mom plus me told her that this was probably a bad idea from the onset. Bev and I told Jamie that once she left that was it. She wasn't moving back in with us. She needed to get out there and either fail or succeed. Truth be told, the family only gave them about 3 months before it all fell apart. We didn't tell her that because we all secretly hoped we were wrong. This has been apparently going on for a few days now because Bev and I were the last ones to find out. Makes no difference to me. I'm just glad to know that Jamie is handling it herself and making the right decisions. So Gold Star and Kudos to her. 

     This is your 5 minute warning. B2kradio will be on here shortly and I will be too busy #chairdancing to be typing to you guys. Things as simple as this are what make my weekends complete. So, off I go to get ready for the dancing in the chairs!! You guys go have fun doing whatever it is you are doing. If you need something to do or want something new, I suggest that you go check out and tune in. Get some Chuck.. In.. Your.. Ear... 

I'm out beeches!!!

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