Sunday, April 5, 2015

Extended Family Visits

     So it has been a few days since I last talked to you guys. I do believe that last time the posts were made, I was standing in the kitchen making food for my boys. This time, I come to you from the comforts of my own bed. Netflix playing on the Playstation. Children sleeping in their beds. Wife unfortunately at work because she got called in to cover someone. Luckily, she won't be there for too long. 

     Today was a fantastic day. I don't remember the last time that I even started a paragraph with that five word sentence. Today just happens to be a day that I can ACTUALLY say that. The wife and I loaded the kids into the van and ventured out into Port Orchard. The South Kitsap Regional Park was hosting an Easter Egg Hunt today. An old friend of mine was going to be there. I say friend even though he is my brother from another mother. We were literally born less than 24 hours apart. His family was there because they run the little train station out of there. We ended up staying for roughly two hours and the kids got to play around on the trains. They loved it. They spent a lot of time playing on the smaller trains that they could control. My other mother's mother owns the trains that are operated there. So we got head of line privileges to ride the trains as much as we liked. Now to be fair, my wife doesn't really like my brother. She says that he is too annoying so when she told me that she was joining the kids and I for the hunt, I had my doubts. She actually enjoyed herself. We even got invited back to Nana's house for supper. So, we packed up the kids and came home to dye Easter eggs. They really enjoyed that. It got a little messy, but that is what happens when you have three little kids trying to dye eggs. Then we headed back into Port Orchard for the supper. We had fun hanging out with the family and enjoying some good times. Talks and stories flew around the room. Dogs were loved on and kids played. All in all, it was a very good trip. I was even surprised that my wife enjoyed herself. 

     So as I lay in bed watching M.A.S.H., I can't wait to get some sleep so that I can wake up and enjoy the final Sunday of my "sick" leave with my kids as I watch them run around outside collecting Easter eggs that we filled up not 3 hours ago. My wife is so awesome to spend time to fill those little plastic eggs. Things seem to be getting better between her and I. The communication is better and we haven't really had any major fights. In fact, I don't think we have actually had any small arguments either. I just hope that this trend continues. It has been very good to us and I know that the good times are awesome. 

     I hope that every one of you has a good Easter or whatever it is that your religion practices on a Sunday. I'm not really one to judge anybody or try to tell them what religion to have. I don't have one because I don't believe in the hypocrisy of it. Nothing like having something that you might not believe in shoved down your through. So enjoy your night and the Sunday that has just started for me 11 minutes ago. 

Happy Sunday!!


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