Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Working My Fingers to the Bone!!

     Today has been all about work. Not work like I would normally do when I put my uniform on and leave the house. More like work being done around the house that has been semi-neglected. It is a shame that the last two weeks have been spent doing as little as possible while trying to heal up. Well guess what friends and readers! Wickid is done healing (kinda) and on the move again. I know that I have been functioning since last Tuesday, but this is different. I am ready to get back to my daily grind and get back to being around my coworkers. Those assholes might not have missed me, but I do miss all of the fun that we have while we are sitting in the office doing practically nothing. We do a little bit of work, but that's all we actually do. Walking around the pier and touring a boat or two a shift is what we consider work. If that isn't a cake job, then I don't know what is.
     There are people in the civilian sector that would love to do what I do, but I don't think that they want all of the hours that I put in unless they are getting paid hourly. Trust me, my work isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Shore Duty is meant to be my resting time from being out at sea away from my family. Trust when I say that I get plenty of rest and I don't have worry in the world about going back out to sea. At least not yet I don't. As my Shore Duty comes to a close, it will start to get very stressful around my house again because of the impending schedule change and the fact that I won't be home as often as I am now. I don't mind going out to sea. In fact, sometimes I would rather be there then at home. I know that sounds bad, but it really is easier than being home some days. Right now, everything is as easy as it can be. I am enjoying the loads of time being at home with my wife and kids and being able to see them every night. I haven't qualified anything for my duty section as of right now, but that will be remedied here shortly when I qualify Duty Driver. Sounds simple enough. I don't have much to do because I have awesome people in my section and my qualification card got signed off almost immediately. Just have to bone up on the information that I am going to need for when I do my interview and do two Under Instruction watches. Easy enough and I will get it done within the next week or so. Once that is completed, I will move on to Junior Officer of the Day. That card is also signed off with the exception of final interviews and under instruction watches.
     There have been a few changes around the House of Wickid. There are two more bodies in the house thanks to my mother in-law going to pick up my oldest sister in-law. Hopefully, they will find a place soon and get out of my house. Not that I don't like having them here, but I really can't support everybody that is sleeping under my roof right now. I still struggle (slightly) with taking care of my own, much less anyone else. My wife's paychecks are decent at helping in the middle of my pay period, but her money was supposed to be used for savings and extra fun stuff that we may want to do. Instead they are going to groceries and anything that we need. I want to get to the point where we won't need her paychecks and we are able to have extra money left over from my paycheck. Time is of the essence in this desire and at some point I will get what I want. It's not that I don't love my wife's family, I just don't need them all staying with me. Soap box talk complete on that subject.
     It is HUMP DAY!! I only have two days of work this week and that just happened to fall just the way I wanted it. Next week will be a "rigorous" schedule for me. I get to work afternoons all week next week. I'm actually looking forward to that because I will be home shortly after dinner is normally served and I can get things ready rather quickly, put the kids to bed after supper and still get enough time to relax and enjoy the rest of the night. I really can't stress enough to the rest of my Navy Family (very extended mind you) that a shore duty is the best way to end your career (if you plan on getting out). Not only will get paid to do practically nothing, but you don't have the nasty hours that you would being attached to a sea going command. I should have taken a shore duty after my first boat, but babysitting baby nuclear trained nubs was not something that I wanted to do. A security guard job didn't sound enticing at that point in time. I enjoyed my time on my last boat and I am actually glad that I went there because now that I am qualified Senior In Rate, I have nothing to worry about once I get to my third boat.
     Keep reading you dedicated reader. I end this edition from the comfort of my chair in hopes that you find it in the comfort of yours. Until next time, from the Arena.........


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