Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Play Dates and Trouble

     I haven't had a play date since I was a child, but the title is very fitting for what I did yesterday. Monday night I planned to have a game night with my Uncle +tim kimbrough via the Xbox for a little Borderlands 2. I had it all planned out and my Tuesday was going to end perfectly, until I had to take my beautiful one to the Emergency Room. Come to find out, my lady has multiple ovarian cysts, which by the way isn't a very good thing for her. They cause her an immeasurable amount of pain and the fact that she has more than one means that bad things will happen soon. Needless to say, she didn't go to work last night like she was scheduled to. It is okay though because I ended up playing video games with my uncle regardless. I ended up helping my lovely lady get her month of Xbox live gold for free and we joined Tim for about twenty or so minutes for some adventuring fun.
     Unfortunately, I do not have all of the downloadable content (DLC) for the game, so we could do very little with my uncle since he was all level 61 and just dominating everything that walked in front of him. I however, had to start a new character and I advanced three levels before we decided that it would be better if we waited until I got all of the DLC for the game before we tried playing again. Now, my free gold membership lasts until September 20th so I am hoping beyond all hope that I can get what I need before then. If not, our play time will just have to wait until I can afford to keep a healthy supply of Gold membership for the Xbox. That shit isn't cheap you know?
     Trouble brews whenever video games are involved at my house. Since we had an impromptu trip to the emergency room, I of course tried to stick to my plans. Unfortunately, telling the wife that I had a date with my uncle was not on her list of priorities. I knew that no matter what I did, I would be in trouble because I'm just good like that. I did however, lessen the severity of my punishment by including my beautiful one in the adventuring. It made it a little easier to take the verbal lashing that she gave me later. It isn't easy taking a lashing from her, at least not a verbal one. Like I said, we only got about thirty minutes of play time with Tim before he said that it was best that we wait until I can get the extras that were needed for all of the fun stuff that he wanted to do and all the loot that he wanted to give me. After the whole video game fiasco, my wife and I decided that we were going to watch TV. Well, she decided that we were going to watch TV.
     My punishment for my planned video game time ended up being rather simple. I have spent the day doing lots of dishes and taking care of children. She has been put on light duty since I decided to tell the doctor that was attending her that she was a workaholic. She is, mind you, so I don't feel too bad in telling him that. It is best that I only got the "punishment" that I did because I added her to our fun. Everything has gone pretty smoothly today. I had music in my ears most of the day, so it made the chores go a lot faster. I have this thing where if I listen to music while I do stuff around the house, it makes things easier for me. I have spent way too long on a boat doing Field Day every Saturday that music is the only thing to make it fly by. I had fun and I know that my wife is happy that the dishes are all done (minus the supper dishes) and that I cleaned the living room and vacuumed it. Now all I need to do is finish putting the laundry away. That chore has to be my Kryptonite because every time she tells me to put the laundry away, all I want to do is stare at it in hopes that it will put itself away. It still won't do that so I have to suck it up and put it away before the children go to bed so that she can finish the laundry. I can't work our new super heavy duty, super cool washer and dryer. I wouldn't trust me to do laundry anyways. I have the tendency to not separate clothes nor do I worry about load size. Again, a product of being on a submarine too long.
     Trouble has passed and I feel that I have served my time. As I tell my kids, do the crime, do the time because everyone has been there at least once before. After dishes, cooking all three meals and vacuuming, I think that I deserve to sit on my tush for a little bit before I do some more stuff around the house. I have to clean my car out before I go to work tomorrow. Alas, I also have duty tomorrow. It's so difficult to show up and then go home at the end of the day. That last statement is so dripping with sarcasm that I think you can flavor a sandwich with it. Time to leave this edition to you the reader so that I can listen to more music while having Doctor Who play on the TV (wife figured out how to get Amazon video via Xbox) and screaming children from upstairs. Their Nani is "drowning" them tonight. Spaghetti night leads to baths. Easy supper, easy evening! Good night dear reader and I look forward to seeing you again. Until next time, from The Arena........



  1. Wow dude I had no idea. Well this time when we play i will find a place for us to play. Also, we have to communicate so i will make sure i have my kindle and google plus open. This time we will have fun you just let me know.

  2. Most definitely. Good thing that G+ is installed on my phone so I don't have to move to far to get a hold of you. Too bad that I don't have my headset anymore because that would make it a whole lot easier....
