Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Meaning to be here....

     I have been meaning to be here for some time now, but due to my last edition "Stunned into Silence", I have been in hiding for very good reason. Yes, it is true, my wee Yellow has Autism and I am still in shock of what has happened. 
     I have also been busy with work and getting into a nice routine of doing things from that perspective. Leaving Facebook alone, I have decided to venture into the world that is Google+. If you are looking for me on the Facebook, you can still find me, but just know that I have moved to G+. I know that I told you guys that I was starting a book called "The Wolf Within". I have canned that idea and have reverted back to the book I started about a year and a half ago while I was breathing water for about 100 days. This "new" one has been titled "Tainted Sands". There will be more put out about the latest change in ideas, but for now be happy with the fact that I have a new plan in mind and it is going to be fabulous. 
     Once I get everything ironed out with the aspects of what I want, I will give you a slight insight with excerpts from the book. You know, just enough to keep you on edge and wanting more. I won't tell you when I give you the inside sneak peeks. You will just have to watch and wait for them. 
    On to other things! Life since Yellow's diagnosis has been going fairly well I guess. We have had our ups and downs with his mood swings and tantrums. I have learned a lot about Autism and my patience. Some times I don't have the patience for his tantrums, but I am slowly learning to keep my cool in the midst of everything that is going on. Lucas has been getting better and better with his walking and he has been getting into pretty much everything that he can get his hands on. His climbing has improved and he can even get up on the camp chairs all by himself. So, he has been doing much better since the start of his therapies. 
     For those who were hoping that I would be moving back to the East Coast once this shore tour is done are in for a sad surprise. With Damen and his Autism, he has been classified as a Category V EFM in the Exceptional Family Member program. Basically, that means moving to another homeport for sea duty and moving in general is not recommended so that he can have continuous care. Now, that isn't to say that I won't Geo-Bach if I have to, but it is highly unlikely for me to move again. 

From the Arena,


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