Tuesday, November 26, 2013


     The dictionary defines equality as "the state or quality of being equal." Most people refer to the mathematical definition of this word, but few look at it for what it really is. Equality is just that, being equal. The human race has fought for equality numerous times. From the equality of a minority group, equal rights for women, equal rights for slaves, and things of that nature. The world is now fighting for equality of the LGBT community. As of right now, there are 14 states that have legalized gay marriage. I happen to live in one of them. I believe that this shouldn't even be a fight. This should be something that is looked at like a normal thing. Dudes kissing dudes, chicks kissing chicks. It is what comes natural to some people. You shouldn't look at people with disgust or hatred because you aren't gay. Since every one likes to throw the religion thing around and shove the bible in people's faces when it comes to this, I think I shall incorporate these little passages in this post.

     Chapters 18 and 20 of Leviticus, which form part of the Holiness code, contain the following verses:
  • 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (Leviticus 18:22 KJV)[1]
  • 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13 KJV)[2]

- sited by Wikipedia.

     Why do people feel that this is wrong? Why do so many people look at this and believe that this is something that you need to enforce? Can I enforce a rule to slap you silly if I believe that you are stupid? No, I can't but I would definitely like to sometimes. There are definitely people that need it. Open your minds and your hearts. I love almost everybody. I despise a few people, but generally I can find the good in people and love them for the things that I like about them. So what if a man loves another man. Does that really bother you? If so, why does it bother you? Have you ever stopped and asked yourself that question? Does their love or the way the love each other bother you? Does their love in any way affect you? I see it all over the social media about the religious folk making a big deal about homosexuality. That it is a sin. That it is an abomination. If I have read my bible right and I do like to believe that I have, GOD wants everybody to love each other regardless of race or sexual orientation. I believe that the bible was just man's interpretation of what happened back in those days. I'm not a big religious nut nor will I ever be, but I do know a thing or two when it involves something like this. I will be one to admit right here that I once loved a man as more than a friend or a brother. I will never say that I'm disgusted with what I did. It was an experience that I will look back on and have no regrets. I'm not gay, but I can appreciate a damn good looking man. There are certain ones that my wife and I would fight over who got to "appreciate" them first. 

     As I look through the multitude of Wikipedia pages that I have up, I am inclined to look into Hinduism. Why you ask? Because they do not view homosexuality as a religious sin. I do not view homosexuality as a "religious" sin. Who cares about religion? Who cares what the bible says? Why should it matter what the interpretations of some old dudes have any effect on what YOU as an INDIVIDUAL believe? The answer here is that it shouldn't because every person is different. Every person has their own way of accepting things. Look deep into your own mind and try and find a reason as to why gay marriage is "so wrong". How does same-sex marriage affect the sanctity of marriage in any way? If people in Hollywood can get married for 72 minutes and then get a divorce, dudes should be able to marry dudes and chicks should be able to marry chicks. What ruins the sanctity of marriage is the inability for a spouse to be faithful and true. At least that is what my opinion is. Why would you go and get married to someone if you know you are going to be unfaithful. Some people do that so stay off the pedestal of "they never plan to cheat". No, but she tripped and his cock landed in her vagina. It is quite funny to try and figure out how that happens. Should I be concerned that two dudes get married? No, why would I? Does it affect me? No it doesn't and I wish them the best for the rest of their lives. Let's take a look at Neil Patrick Harris and his fiance David Burtka. Neil played Doogie Howser and a womanizing Barney Stinson in "How I Met Your Mother". He has played roles to be a straight man. He is in a very happy relationship with David and they have children. 

     To all of those that have children, what are you going to do if your child is gay? Are you going to be a horrible parent and shun them from your life? Are you going to hate them and try to "beat them straight"? Let someone get mad at me for being a parent and loving my children unconditionally. UNCONDITIONALLY!!!! That means no matter what you will always love them. If one of my boys comes to me and tells me "Dad, I'm gay," guess what will happen next. A hug, a kiss on the forehead, and dinner. Telling him that I love him. I would like to meet his boyfriend. The only way to kill this stigmata of homosexuality being an "abomination" is to just accept it and embrace it. If you aren't gay, cool. If you are gay, cool. Guess what, you will find love in all of the strangest places. I want my kids to find love just like I did. No one should be alone. Everyone needs and should have someone to love and to have someone love them in return. Don't be that close minded asshole that shuns and hates the thought of a dude kissing a dude. I would totally go stand in front of those stupid religious nuts and kiss another dude just to prove my point. 

     Be kind to one another and love unconditionally. The power of love is a strong one. Treat everyone equally and for god sakes vote YES to marriage equality for the LGBT community. I have before and I will do it again from now until the end of my life. I have a gay uncle and a lesbian sister in-law. I love them for who they are as you should. Smiles and laughter make your life last longer. Don't kill yourself with hatred and frowns. I have made my stand, have you? 

From the Arena,


P.S. - Just something I have been thinking about for a while. If you are religious, feel free to leave CONSTRUCTIVE comments and open your mind to the opinions of others. Message me on G+ if you have a serious issue with this post. I have and will always support the LGBT community.

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