Another day of the week is upon us and you are fortunate enough to spend it breathing just like me. I hope that everyone has slept well and that their day is going in the direction they want it to. Mine has progressively moved forward since I have been up this morning. At some point today I might make it into work, but I highly doubt it. I have spent my morning cleaning out most of the furniture from my bedroom. Yesterday afternoon while I was at home doing things around the house, my lovely wife went out and got us a bedroom set. It will be the first time in a few years since we have had an actual bed frame for ourselves. Our mattress has been on the floor for too long. Normally, it isn't an issue, but both her and I have been having trouble getting out of bed in the mornings. Mostly because we are tired, but we aren't as young as we used to be and the pains are starting to come. An eight inch memory foam mattress is nice, but I think we are going for a change of pace with a pillow top mattress. Later this afternoon is when all of the items should be delivered. I am excited because I don't have to put it together. I even get to sleep on it tonight so there is something else to look forward to.
I spent some time last night after the B2k radio show playing on the PS3 before bed. Destiny hasn't left the console so I played some more of that. In the roughly two and a half hours that I spent playing, I leveled up twice and got some pretty cool weapons. I look forward to playing more of it tonight. Also got word last night that the newest Monster Hunter (MH4 Ultimate) is coming out next month. On the 13th to be exact. I'm not sure why they would release such an anticipated game right before Valentine's Day, but then again I don't run a video game company. There will definitely be some newly single people that day because of how much they will be playing the new game. I have Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and it gets me in lots of trouble. For those that don't know, it is probably one of the hardest games to play and to get into. The perpetual grind that you have to do in that game is quite enormous. I have spent roughly over 250 hours playing this game and I have come no where close to being done. I have destroyed the same monster over and over again for one item that has like a 2% drop rate. I know the feels of the desire sensor saying "FUCK YOU" and laughing at me as I continuously struggle for that one last piece I need. I have learned so much about things that I didn't think were possible. I have praised others for doing good for themselves and I have been on the jealous side of not being able to do or get something that someone else can. I have spent many battles cursing at the screen or barrel rolling my 3DS because I got comboed by a monster and died. One of the hardest things about this game is that you don't get a health bar for the monster you are hunting. You have to just wail on it until it starts limping and shows you that it is near death. The joy that comes with that is just amazing. I have yelled "Give me that tail!" as I have watched the tail of a monster flip off its body knowing that it was all me that did that. There is just so much about this game that is rewarding and makes you feel like you are actually accomplishing something. In most normal RPGs, you complete a mission or you get an achievement for doing something. In this game, your reward is knowing that you finally conquered the monster that was giving you issues or you finally got the monster part that you have been grinding the hours away for. Nothing more satisfying then that.
I come to you from the kitchen, yet again, to bring you this lovely issue of The Arena. There is just something about the kitchen that inspires me to drop the issues to you and to keep you reading. It's like a magical forest with fairies. You never believe it until you see it and pretty much every issue this year has come to you while I have been standing in the kitchen doing something or other. I can't be like any normal person and sit at a desk to do it, or sit on the couch and type it out. Nope, I have to be the weird guy and type to you while I stand in the kitchen, listening to music, and doing other things. It seems quite relaxing though so I might have to continue doing it. Most of the things I do around the house involve music being played at a high level and me actually knowing the songs so that I can sing along. I'm not a great singer mind you, because I can barely carry a tune, but I damn sure try. My phone is also usually on some type of mobile game that can play itself semi automatically so that I can do other things while satisfying the need to play a video game without feeling guilty about not getting anything done. It seems weird to you probably that I am always talking about being able to justify my video game time. Let me enlighten you: I'm a 28 year old married man with four little boys under the age of 9. My wife works WAY more than I do and I spent most of my time at home instead of at work. One of the perks that I will miss once I go back to a submarine. So, in order for me to enjoy some time for myself where I block out everything and get sucked into a fantasy world, I find it is easier to do some things around the house to make the wife happy and be able to say that I accomplished something besides moving up in the game that I am playing. There are days and times where I just don't feel like doing anything during the day and that tends to bite me in the ass more often then not. Like right now, my wife is at work and I am here with you guys and girls. I'm sure that I could be doing a little bit of the dishes and making myself lunch since I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I could be doing that, but instead I am here, getting myself into a little bit of trouble. Totally worth it though because I kill two birds with one stone. I get some me time and I get to put out a fresh issue for you to peruse and enjoy.
I'm not sure how many of you actually read the issues or who it is that actually reads them. The only thing that I do know it that sometimes you guys throw up a +1 every once in a while and that the number of views tend to increase. I do appreciate the fact that you guys have a look and hopefully enjoy what you read. I want you to know that I am open to suggestions about topics of discussion and things that you guys want to see from me. I know I'm not as cool as most websites that you might visit, but hey, the blogging world is a difficult one. It takes time for your work to catch people's eyes and stuff like that. Keep doing what you guys are doing and I will keep doing what I'm doing. It's a mutual thing.
That is all from the kitchen of Wickid.
This is SPARTA!!
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