For those that know me you know that I have four little boys and that they mean the world to me. There really isn't anything that I wouldn't do for them. I enjoy the time I get to spend with them and I like to believe that I am an okay father. I do what I can to teach them right from wrong and I tend to be heavy handed when it comes to making sure they know the difference. I don't beat them for those that are wondering. When I say "heavy handed", I mean that I can be strict when it comes to their actions.
Yesterday was obviously Monday so of course I had to go to work. The boys didn't have school so they were home all day being children. I spent most of my morning cleaning (you all know this to be normal for me) and I had them helping me some because I am just one person and I am of the mindset that I can use the older boys to help clean. At their age(8 and 6), I believe that they can do a little bit of chores and help around the house. Stop me if you think I'm wrong. I accept all forms of advice. Just leave it in the comments section below after this is posted. Back to the story from yesterday.
I spent the day cleaning and getting things organized. It's what I do. I tasked the older boys with cleaning up the toys. A simple task really. Take them maybe 10 minutes total to do this. Not today, oh no, not today. In fact, I spend most days fighting with them about it because they find cleaning boring. I don't blame them. I don't like cleaning either, but between work and home, I'm constantly cleaning. I got used to it. So I had them pick up toys. Took them a total of about 20 minutes because I had to fight with them the entire way. Once they had finished that task, I let them play and goof around so that I could do some other things around the house.
Lunch time rolled around so I took to the task of getting food for everyone. They finished lunch and I got around to some more cleaning and getting ready for work. Things kind of started to go downhill from there. Carter asked if they could play outside. He was told no and that it was a little chilly outside. We had guests in the house, so being a good host, I entertained like I typically do. Carter decided to open the back door. The dogs were no where near the door. When asked why he opened the back door, he response was, "I wanted to see if the dogs wanted out." Remember, the dogs were no where near the back door. As the dad and previous 8 year old that I once was, I tend to know what the kids are thinking and I know what they are trying to do. After explaining to Carter that I know everything that goes on in the house and that I know where everything is in the house, he got mad because I figured him out.
I went to work like I normally would believing that the kids could behave and not cause too much grief for their mom, who is still recovering from her most recent surgery. She had help at home, don't worry. I spent the most of the night at work and finally managed to return home around 930ish. I did my normal routine of turning off lights and things before I headed upstairs. As I was ascending to The Tomb (stolen from +Chuck Bisbee), I heard little voices coming from the big boys' room. I poked my head in and stated that I was pretty sure that they were supposed to be sleeping. Carter, of course, threw his hands in the air like I had done something wrong. I told him that I had just gotten home and that his attitude, should it continue, was going to piss me off. Tone it down, lay down and sleep. Upon further investigation, I noticed Eli wasn't in his bed, so I surveyed the room. Once I located him, I told him to return to his bed (they have bunk beds) and go to sleep. The night pretty much ended after that and I headed to bed.
What is sad is that it has taken just a little over two days to finish this post. Things have been hectic for the past few days. The thing is though, the issue that we are dealing with now are a lot worse than what we thought. I will leave that for another day. I have to get some things done before I give you guys the inside scoop.
Until next time,
Don't fight them. When they are at school gather them up in a box and put them in the garage out of sight for a few weeks. Just leave a few for the babies.