Friday, January 2, 2015


     It is now day two of the new year and things are progressing as normal. There are very few things in life that are better with a multiplayer option. Most sports are much better when you have multiple people playing. Card games, in general, are much better when you have more than two people playing. Sex is good with one other person. Some people find it better when there are more than just the two players. The multiplayer I happen to be talking about is from the realm of video games. Now, normally, I am the hardcore solo player of the RPG style games. It gives me the sense of accomplishment because I am the one that did it. Me, not anybody else. Nobody helped me get to the next level or beat that boss that was giving me trouble. For the past couple of days however, I have been playing Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition on the Playstation. My friend let me borrow the game so that I could try it out since we tend to talk video games a lot. We happen to be nerds of the strongest variety. Kind of like +tim kimbrough and myself when we get to talking about Borderlands. My friend Steve and I started a new game a few days ago on Diablo 3. I took the Demon Hunter because he just looked awesome from the start and I know that eventually he will look like he does when you first select him when starting a new game. Steve chose to take the Witch Doctor. We had a nice laugh because we grew up playing Street Fighter and the first thing we thought of was Dhalsim from that game. We made jokes about it as we played the game. He has since switched over to the Wizard because the Witch Doctor wasn't really helpful to me and it was getting boring for him. We have successfully made it into Act II of the game, but not before realizing that the more we play, the rarer the loot gets. It dawned on me after the third rare item I got at a low level that playing with friends means that you get better stuff. To test the theory out, I went and started a solo player Monk. I'm right around level ten with him and I still don't have any good weapons or armor.
     I have come to the conclusion that I need to go out and get this game so that he can have his copy back and we can play online via the Playstation Network. Playing on the same console is nice and all because we get to hang out and bullshit while playing, but I know that he wants his characters and equipment from his own games. Once I do get my own copy, we will be starting brand new characters again and reliving the whole Act I again.
     Diablo 3 is a lot like Borderlands 2 in a lot of ways. Anybody here reading this play it? Yeah? No? I'll give you the rundown anyway. In Borderlands 2, ALL of your characters share the Badass Challenges and the Vault in Sanctuary. So once you get to Sanctuary and start doing missions out of there, you can leave some stronger lower level weapons for any new characters that you start. I happen to have a few characters on the game myself with my main character being Zero the Assassin. I haven't played in a while though so I am very rusty when it comes to playing the game. In Diablo 3, it works roughly the same way with a few extras. My stash is for all of the characters that I make and I can store gold to help out each new character. The big bonus that comes to mind is the forge you start from your very first character transfers over to every character. For example, you can level up the forge while doing a playthrough with your very first character. When you start the new character, the forge remains the same level from the previous character and you can forge higher level weapons and armor at the beginning to give you an edge in battle.
     I guess all that I really want to say is that if given the opportunity, I would rather play a multiplayer RPG/Dungeon Crawler with a friend to get the good stuff early on. Not like Monster Hunter 3 because they have requirements for quests. You have to be a certain Hunter Rank before you can take on certain quests, but like Borderlands multiplayer. So get out there and go be a multiplayer!! Get in the game with better stuff and rarer loot. Be a pal!

Until next time, this is Wickid and always remember, "This is SPARTA!"

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