This issue comes at you from the kitchen in the House of Wickid. I have an energy drink running through my system, there is music streaming through the speakers, and the phone is AFK-ing through a mobile game as I move back and forth between the computer and the living room while I clean my heart out today. Luckily, today happens to be a day where I don't have to go to work. Probably one of the biggest perks about shore duty and working swings. One thing that I didn't expect to happen was missing the time to call in for my muster this morning. Since I normally call in to tell them that I am still alive I try to be awake between 0515 and 0520 so that I can make that 2 minute phone call. Unfortunately, I missed the call this morning so next duty day promises to have a watch scheduled for me. Theoretically, I should be able to get the watch I want if it happens to disagree with my schedule. This is the first time that I have missed calling in so it isn't too bad for me. I got upset, but what can you do? It happened and there is nothing I can do about it. No sense in being upset for too long.
Now that I have thoroughly enjoyed my morning that was spent watching Lucas play with the other little ones in his play group, I stand here in the kitchen (always the kitchen) to tell you about the morning and the rest of the day. I know that the rest of the day hasn't actually happened yet, but it is fun to know that I have plans for the rest of the day, even if some of them fall through sometimes. Dinner will happily be eaten somewhere other than the house. I will get the living room all nice and clean, children will be gotten from school and maybe if I'm really lucky, I will be able to get some time in on Destiny. Yes, I do like trying to plan out my video game time because that is usually the only time I get it. I try to utilize it as often as possible since the only time I do get to play is after the children go to bed. Usually only leaves me with about two to three hours, which for me is a lot of time to get a lot of things done. I try to be efficient when I play. This is also one reason why I am constantly cleaning. It justifies my reasoning for sitting on me arse for a few hours doing nothing except getting lost in the wonderful world of whatever it is that I am playing. Pause for a moment since the coffee is finished brewing. Must want to make my heart hurt today because the caffeine overload will be tremendous. It is delicious though so it is hard to pass up.
Hard to believe that we are almost halfway through the first month of the new year. Things have been moving rather quickly for the most part. The wife and I have been looking at houses to either purchase or rent, we are still deciding on what we want to do, and we have been discussing the future of my career. I won't go into that since we kind of did that yesterday or the day before. I will spare you the pain of me repeating myself. For most of you, this weekend will be a three day weekend. I know it is for me and I can't wait to start it. I might even leave early Friday from work to get a head start on the weekend. Enjoy your weekend if you do get it and if you don't, we'll enjoy it for you.
Wednesday is typically a very hard day to get through. Most people think that it is Friday because all you want to do is get to Saturday so that you don't have the responsibilities of going to work. Unless you work retail, then Saturday sucks for you. I know that once I make it through Wednesday, my week tends to speed up and things move at a much smoother pace. It means that I am one step closer to enjoying time at home with the familial unit doing things that I like to do. I don't have to get up early to take them to school. We can "sleep in" and stay up late. They love having their late nights on the weekend because I can put them in their room and the only requirement they have is to be quiet and play or go to bed if they are loud. It is actually a good system for them because it usually wears them out enough that they tend to sleep later than 0630 on a Saturday. The only real downside to it all is that the older boys do tend to be little terrorists when they are awake the next day. I sometimes spend most of the day yelling at them over the way they behave.
I had a legitimate "Oh Shit!" moment about 45 minutes ago. I got so busy cleaning and talking to you guys on here that I almost missed going to get the kids from school. Lucky for me, I can move rather quickly when needed. I even still managed to get a decent parking spot at the school. There is something about the way they made that parking lot that just angers me. It was not very well designed when they rebuilt the school. The looks nicer now, but the parking lot sucks even more than it did before. Now that the kids are home, I am limited in what I can do in regards to cleaning. At least I can enjoy the little bit of time off before the wife gets home with her sister from the doctor. We still have to decide on supper and when we plan on going grocery shopping. I think tomorrow will be a good day since there are no appointments and the little kids don't have to worry about school or anything. I won't be going since I still have to worry about the sister and getting her home from work. For now though, it is time for me to head out and go do what I need to do. Don't forget that tonight is Wednesday night so there is a possibility for the live B2kradio show starting at 10 p.m. EST. Again, do your own math for when the show starts in your area. The only reason the show won't be on tonight is if American Horror Story is on and +Chuck Bisbee is watching it. I have to look to see if it is on tonight or you can do that yourself and figure it all out. I will be busy doing my thing in hopes that the show is on tonight. I plan on chairdancing my way to happiness tonight, even if I have to listen to a previous show. He puts up the live shows into neat little replay packages. Check that shit out and turn that bitch up a notch! Go to to get your fix. Chuck is in your ear!
I'm out!
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