What does it want? What does it WAAANNNNTTT?? |
Oh my! Is it the beginning of the week again!?!? I can't believe that the last week has gone by so fast. The only joy that happened to me over the weekend was getting to spend a little more time with my beautiful wife and all four of my children. Don't let the picture fool you though. Today has probably been one of the best Mondays of my life. It all started with me going to bed after my shower and shave. I was feeling nice and fresh because, well I like being clean. Who doesn't like being clean? Anyways, I crawled into bed and pretty much immediately passed out into a nice calm sleep. I woke up at my normal time of 5:10 to get ready for work and to get there early enough to get a decent parking spot. Parking spots are essential in my line of work. Nothing is worse than having a long walk after a long day of work. I got dressed and went to work with a smile on my face (I'm sure you can guess why) and music in my ears.
I arrived in the parking lot of work around my usual time and decided that I would attempt to find a parking spot in the closer parking lot. That lot is usually full all the time so I normally don't try. Today however, I managed to get a parking spot four spots from the front of the lot. I laughed joyously at my luck and then proceeded into work. Come to find out there was virtually nothing for me to do at work today, so we pretty much just sat around the office.
Then, I get home and my wife has started up the Buffalo Lasagna that I love. She is going to make me super fat one day and I'm not sure if it is worth it or not. I do love her food and I love the fact that she can cook. It is made with buffalo sauce, spaghetti sauce, ground turkey, and lasagna noodles. It is phreaking awesome! I love the food that she cooks.
My day has been fantastic because of all kinds of things falling into place. If everyday could be like this, I would be a very happy person. We know however, that everything will not always fall into place like you want it to. Now after I get done eating, I'm going to clean up the kitchen and the dishes and then it will be getting kids into bed and video games. I love being on shore duty. It is highly recommended that you take the time in your career, be it Navy or whatever branch you are in, to enjoy a shore duty where you relax from doing all of the deployments.
Until next time from the Arena,
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