I did the name play on the title because even though it says my name on my profile, my pseudonym for all intents and purposes is Wickid. We submit this latest edition to the readers because it serves two purposes. Purpose one deals with all of the time I spend at work and the second purpose is all of the time my wife now spends at work.
For those that don't know or are new the The Arena, I am an Active Duty Navy Submariner. I have been in just over eight years and two months. I have spent the majority of my career on board a United States submarine. I enlisted in August of 2004 while I was a junior in high school. I come from a long line of Sailors. Well not so long if you think about it. My grandfather on my mother's side was a signalman aboard a destroyer, my grandfather on my father's side was an Auxiliaryman aboard the USS Midway, my mother was a Shopkeeper stationed in Japan, and my father was an Engineman aboard the USS Midway before she was decommissioned in 1992. I think that after hearing all of the stories that my old man used to tell me, I was intrigued about doing something completely different. I volunteered for Submarine Duty when I was with the recruiter filling out the paperwork. I can't say that things have been easy because they definitely haven't, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my job almost as much as I love my family. They come first because that is just how I am. Now, with that being said, there isn't a moment that goes by that I don't daydream about being underway and doing my job to the best of my ability. I'm a Sonarman by trade, but a Shower Technician by every other rate on board the boat. I spend lots of time in the shower and anytime that I'm not in the shower, I'm either on watch or sleeping. There is a random bit of time sandwiched into my schedule for a movie or two every off-watch. As a qualified Sonar Supervisor, I am in charge of a three to four man watch team that is the safety and security of the vessel while the ocean is trying to break its way into the people tank. Now, I won't say anything bad about any other branch of the service however, I will say that being on a submarine is a lot harder than most people think. The surface fleet and every other branch get the joys of having internet, facebook, cell phones with reception, and sunlight. Yes, I chose this line of work, but that doesn't mean I can't complain about the little things that I don't have. I have spent more hours a week a work than most people do in a month. Nowadays, most places of business try to limit their employees to 120 hours in a month. In a typical week on the boat, I can put in about 104 - 120 hours of work. This includes 3 overnight stays on the boat where I can't go home and 4 normal eight to twelve hours days depending on the workload. In seven days, I can put in as many hours as a normal civilian can in a month. My hours decrease significantly once the boat is underway and I am not on it. I go to the normal 40 hour work week like everyone else tends to enjoy. Underway, while on the boat, I shift from the normal 24 hour day to an 18 hour day. I lose six hours that every once else gets. I have a watch and then some time off. I can't tell you how many birthdays, anniversaries, or Christmases I have missed because I have plain lost count. It is nothing compared to the sacrifice that I make with my family. I missed first steps, first words, first roll over, first crawl, you name it, I have probably missed it. I love my job, but sometimes it gets in the way of things.
My wife, on the other hand, spends way too much at work for her own good. I know that her paychecks are extra money and that the more she works, the bigger they are. My paychecks are pretty standard, but hers will vary depending on hours. I'm glad that I am on shore duty and that she has a chance to go out and work and get away from the children, but sometimes I really wish that she would either learn to say "no" or train someone to do their job. I'm of the mind that if you are hired to do a job then you better know how to do it. If you don't know how to do it then you better get someone to train you or you better learn how to do it on your own. A lot of the things that I know about my job are things I gleaned from books and brains that I have picked of senior sailors. There are days that I sit at home with my boys and wonder if my wife works all these hours because she resents me for the job that I do. I know that is kind of a mean thing to say, but that is how I feel. She never says no when they call her and ask her to work. She never says no when they call her on her day off and she feels like collapsing in bed. I just don't understand why she pushes herself so hard and doesn't rest. It's not like we are hurting that bad for money so I don't know why she tries to run herself ragged. Maybe she just likes being at work. Who knows? She does have an excellent work ethic, but sometimes I just wish she would listen to reason. I love her, but she needs to spend some time at home with me and the kids. This is my three years of rest and relaxation away from a sea going command. It is also her three years of rest and relaxation and of having me home to help her when she needs it.
Rant complete. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
From the Gamer Chair of Wickid
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