Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hangovers and Early Morning Flights

     Ever regret that night you drank so much that the hangover the next morning isn't worth it? My sister in-law has found this out the hard way. She turned 21 last night and went barhopping with her mother. It wasn't really a good night for her because all of her friends bailed on her and she spent her birthday all by herself. Well, by herself minus her mom, dad, me, my kids, and one of her friends who showed up at my house to give her some presents. After spending the day out and about at a wine festival with her dad, she came home to her friend who took the train to Portland to get her car and drive all the way back up here to visit, she went out with her mom (my mother in-law) to go barhopping. It is the typical right of passage for most adults who turn 21. My 21st birthday involved me, my best friend, his dad, and a gentleman's club. Yes I got stripper herp that night and I got severely wasted on one Jaegerbomb and a bunch of Jack Daniels. It was a fun night. Anywho, my sister in-law went barhopping and had a blast with a ton of people buying her drinks and feeding her loads of alcohol. She doesn't remember much of the night, which I guess is a good thing since nobody wants to remember that they vomited all over a bar parking lot. She is a trooper though because normally she doesn't puke all over the place. No, she didn't drink underage, but she did spend Friday night getting wasted at a party with Mom. So now it is Sunday and boy does she have a hangover! I hated the hangover I had after my 21st because I had to drive back to Silverdale that afternoon. I went to have my party at my buddy's house who lived in Oregon. Not a very fun 4 hour drive that I did with my ex-wife, who by the way wasn't very happy that I went to a gentleman's club. I really didn't have and option since that was where my buddy wanted to go and his birthday was the next day. I take that back. I didn't drive back to Silverdale the day after my birthday because it was a Friday and I stayed to celebrate my buddy's birthday the next day. Yes, we went to the same club and got obliterated again because hey we're dudes and we wanted to see something naked. It was a good weekend that weekend. The drive home for me wasn't so nice because my ex-wife (hence the term ex) was not very happy that we went out to the bar two nights in a row and she couldn't go. She was only 20 at the time. Poor girl didn't like that I went to see something naked. She paid me back though because once I went out to sea, she decided to sleep with any swinging dick that she could. Her loss and my gain.
     Anyway, this is about me sister in-law not me. She is now laying on my couch, not saying that she will never drink again, but instead saying that she hates having a hangover. I laugh because I made her take a shot of some Sinfire Whiskey after she blew out the candles on her cake that I slaved over for about an hour. She wouldn't take the shot at first, but the I called her a sissy and well she got angry. I'm such a bad person. Wait, no I'm not, I'm just the older brother that likes to laugh at my younger siblings. Who knows where I am going to be when my little sister turns 21. I will probably still be here on the West Coast while she is on the East Coast with her marine husband. Another story for another time and place. Trust that it is coming for you to read. I will have my soapbox about that.
     Do you want to know what I find weird? Even if you don't, I'm going to tell you anyways because you are taking the time to read this, which means you must be interested in what I have to say. I had to drive my mother in-law out to the Seattle airport this morning because she is going to pick up my oldest sister in-law and bring her back up here. I got up at 330 this morning and got ready to go. Not a phreaking car on the road for the most part. Traffic was how do you say, practically non-existent. It takes about an hour to drive around the Sound to get out to the airport. We made good time and it only took us about 45 - 50 minutes to get out there. Here's the dilemma: Why was everyone and their phreaking mother at the airport this morning?? I literally had to play Tetris with my car (fun game by the way) to get close enough to the departure gate to drop her off. No traffic on the highway, but the minute I pull into the airport it was like finding buried treasure on a deserted island and Captain Jack Sparrow just conned me into facing Barbosa. Like my movie reference? I know, I do too. Anyway, once she got out of the car, I made like a professional escape artist and was out of there before anybody really knew I was there. No stopping to find a gap, no need to reverse more than once and I was out of there like a fat kid running from a gym. Haha, I crack me up! I made good time going back home too. There was even a wreck that I passed by on my way back through Tacoma. Not sure what happened, but one of the two cars looked like it got smashed like a soda can does after you stomp on it. I like to stomp on Pepsi cans, but I will cherish a Coke-a-cola can when I put it in the recycle bin. +Chuck Bisbee, it is thanks to you that I cherish the Coke can. Other than that, my drive home was spent with blaring music, a coke-a-cola, and about 4 cigarettes. I know I shouldn't be smoking, but hey, must maintain vigilance to get home safely. Plus, I don't have any of my electronic cigarette fluid or else I would have had that instead. I got home about ten minutes before my wife's alarm went off for work. I ended up sleeping for another four hours once I got home. Oh, how time does fly when you want to only sleep for about an hour or so. Speaking of which, I have to get the beautiful one up in about 5 minutes so she can get ready to go back to work. Don't ask. It seems like she is the only one that knows how to do her job. Again, another edition for another time.
     I don't know why, but I was happy to see my oldest stepson go back to his dad's house. It seems like every time he comes to stay at our house for the weeks a month we get to have him, I spend more time yelling and putting children in time-out than I should conceivably be doing at this point in their life. It is so stressful when he is here. He tends to act like a bully to his little brothers since he is like 3 times their size. Not a very fun thing to try and counter because when he is with his dad, he is all by himself and doesn't have to share anything. It makes his time here at our house very difficult. I do digress though and this is another subject that will be for another time.

     Stay safe when you drink and find a cure for that hangover that you got over the course of the weekend. No need to remind you that tomorrow is Monday and we all know what tends to accompany a Monday. Have fun for the remainder of your weekend dear friends. Take care of each other and I will see you next time here in The Arena.


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