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Recovering Again |
To You, my dedicated reader,
I submit this latest edition from the Arena to you, the reader. I know that you have been looking forward to many stories about what it is that I do and the things that I enjoy on a frequent basis. No I haven't been neglecting you, I have been dealing with recovering from a more invasive procedure than I am used to and it held me down under the pain medicine's control for a lot longer than normal. Well, normal for me. I don't like taking pain medication, but this time it was something that I had to do. It took me four days to do something besides get up, go downstairs, eat a little breakfast and then head back upstairs to go to sleep. I wasn't always sleeping, but doing something that had me focusing on an object for too long made my head extremely sore. I am still numb from my surgery. The doctor says that the area above and in front of my left ear will be numb for at least six weeks. If it makes anybody feel any better, I feel like I have a constant dose of the dental numbing medicine in my head. I still have stitches in my head and they will remain there until the white strip that you see comes off on its own. No, I promise I will not pull it off. Other than the typical drowsiness of everything that I do during the day, I have been doing really well. I figured that if I was okay to drive to my children's appointments and to my own appointment, I was well enough to start doing things around the house again. Things haven't been easy this last week or so. My beautiful one has been on my case about a lot of things and I have been kind of ignoring her and neglecting her, much like I have been "neglecting" you guys. I put quotes on that because I haven't done any of the sort to any of the parties involved. Between everything that has been going on at the House of Wickid, we have been busy trying to get everything settled and try to get into a routine. Things have been hectic and tempers have flared. Tears have been shed and mean words uttered. Yes, we fight as do many couples, but that doesn't mean that I don't love her. I love her, but sometimes she drives me up the wall. We joke about it being her job and usually that is all it is, but some days it isn't a joke.
Anywho, along with everything happening here, we have also been experiencing random power outages. Not planned outages like we are used to, but no shit legit random power outages. Take last night for example, we were in the middle of watching "Under the Dome" and all of a sudden the power says "F-U" and dies. Still haven't watched the end of the show. At any rate, the power went out around 8 p.m. PST and didn't come on again until about 6 a.m. PST. Why is it that we have to go 10 hours without power? Two days ago we lost power all night long and it has been going out randomly over the course of the past week. I can't believe that we have to deal with this stuff on top of dealing with loads of children's appointments and work and my surgery. In fact, we are having a "planned" power outage again today, but nobody knows what time it is supposed to start. Knowing my luck, I will be ending a quest in Skyrim that has taken an hour or so to do and the power will go out before I get a chance to save. Not my idea of a fun time. Yes, I will be upset and yes I know it is just a game, but that is besides the point. The point of the matter here is that nobody knows why the power has been going out and no one ever knows for how long it will be out. There are people on base ( I live next to the hospital not on the submarine base) that complain because they have SCHEDULED power outages. Yes, the power outages suck, but at least you know when they are coming and can plan to do different things while the power is out. Try having the power go out while watching a TV show! We had to light candles throughout the house and then we started playing Risk. We couldn't see after about an hour, so the wife and I went out to Wal-Mart to get flashlights and other things to help us see in the dark. UGH!
Power outages and Healing have been keeping me away from you guys. Now I am back and ready to put out fresh material for you here on the Arena.
Thank you reader, for your dedication!!
Until Next Time
From the Arena
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