Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Superlative

     Is it really Sunday again? I seem to have lost everything this week. My mind is somewhere around the house, but I have yet to locate it. It has been lost for a few days and I think it might be wandering around all alone. Oh well. Time to prep for Monday since that is tomorrow. 

     I'm currently laid out on the couch enjoying the rain as it falls gently from the sky. I even have two kids watching cartoons and playing quietly. Eli is upstairs playing on the XBox because he asked so nicely. He does enjoy Lego Batman so I try not to deny him the joy of playing the game. He won't get to play it all day mind you because he doesn't need to be doing that. We are two days past yet another Friday the 13th. This last one wasn't too bad because I didn't spend much time at work and I got to play video games with a friend. The thing that made it great was the fact that I got some new ink. It was a cheap "meaningless" tattoo but it was fun. 20 dollars for a small tattoo themed to the 13th? Why yes I'll take one. A lot of people don't understand the whole meaning of the tattoos for that day. I enjoy getting the ink done because I enjoy the shit out of getting ink shoved into my body that will last forever. Granted it was only my 3rd one, I definitely want more. The next time the 13th rolls around on a Friday is in November. Although, June is going to be when I start the designs for my back piece. 

     Enough about the tattoos. I'm not sure what happened Saturday, but I do know that it was rather busy and it was a rather decent day. The kids were good all day and I really didn't have to resort to the daddy voice too much. I really even haven't used it at all today. I have spent much of the day doing nothing with the exception of things that needed to be done. You know, lunch for the kids and getting stuff for dinner ready. I still have a few things to get done before my wife gets home. I have some dishes to do and a little bit of cleaning to do, but it won't take me too long to do. I will just put on the replay from last night's live show on and I will be cleaning in no time. I have the TV on for the little boys. They love being able to watch TV. Thank jebus for Disney Junior and the amount of kid's shows they put on. They have a new one that they are watching right now called "Miles from Tomorrowland". It's all done in outer space and the kids love it. 

     I just finished reading through the newest edition of Game Informer Magazine. It's a monthly magazine I get that is all about video games. I was thumbing through it just for fun because I do like reading about the video games and things like that. As I was coming to the end of the magazine, I stumbled upon an article that was doing a review of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. For those that have been following along, you know that the game has only been out for a month as of today. You guys know that I picked it up the day after it was released. The game itself got a review of 8.75 out of 10. Not too bad for the series since has been out for quite a long time. If I remember right, the original release came out on the Playstation 2. I remember when I first started playing it on the PSP when Monster Hunter Freedom Unite came out. I really didn't understand the game itself at the time. I didn't even really get that far into it either. I had fun doing all of the low rank village missions because I was underway when I started playing it. I didn't really have the support group that I have now with 3U and 4U. Fantastic games if you haven't played them. It really isn't a game that you can just pick up and play. There are a lot of things to learn and understand. The way the armor is made and the skills that you can pick up. The way you make weapons and use them is just insane. They added two new weapons to the latest installment. The Inset Glaive (IG) and the Charge Blade (CB). You get to learn how to use them and they are a lot of fun. I am a board and sword user myself. It's just who I am. I do know how to use the other weapons though. Thanks to 3U, I learned how to use most of the things besides the IG and the CB. I am currently working on learning how to use the new weapons. I have one weapon of each because I'm planning ahead. I might end up playing a little bit tonight online with random people to see if I can raise my hunter rank to the G level. Before I go, I guess I should explain how the Hunter Rank works. 
     During Solo Play, you do what is essentially story missions in the game. They rank from Low Rank to High Rank. In 4U, LR is 1* missions to 6* missions. Doing the key quests in a lower star level opens up the urgent quest. The urgent quest is for the next star level of quests. You can farm the monsters to make your weapons and armor and improve your stuff before moving on to the next higher star level. Aside from the Solo Play, you can do what is known as Guild Hall play or Online Play. In the Guild Hall, you have quests just like the story mode except these quests are made to be done with other people. The monsters are four times as strong as normal. You get the same amount of time to complete the quests and all quests are doable with a single person, but it is recommended to be done with a party of 4. In 4U, they made it for the 3DS so they added the ability to play online with others. In 3U, you had to have  a Wii-U for online play or you had to have multiple friends nearby with a copy of the game. In the Guild Hall, once you finish your urgent quest, your hunter rank goes up a number. So doing the key quests in HR1, doing the urgent for HR2 will get you ranked up to HR2. Rinse and repeat. Once you hit HR4 though, you go into High Rank quests. Once you reach HR7, your urgent for HR8 will actually "break" the hunter rank cap and everything that you have done prior to reaching HR8 will finally be added to your total. It actually shows where you should really be at. A friend of mine just went from HR7 to HR53. Literally after beating the "final boss". In case you were wondering, there really isn't a final boss or boss monsters in this game at all. You just grab a quest and go complete it. There is a small story like appearance to the game, but you only get that from the solo player mode. I have just over 100 hours invested into this game and I am only HR5. I have a few things that I need to work on before I continue on in the online realm of this game. I do like playing solo, but having the other hunters there smacking up the monster does make you feel better. Most of my missions, depending on the monster, last about 20 minutes at the most. I have personally been involved in the desecration of monsters that lasted all of 4 minutes. I can solo a Great Jaggi in just under 3 minutes. Most of that time is spent running to the area that the monster is located. 

     Now that I have pretty much explained the game in a very short two paragraphs, I will now go on to an adventure in the game. I think I shall jump online and see what I can do to either finish up an armor set that I am working on or learn one of the new weapons. Either way, it promises to be a blasty blast. I will see you cats on the flip side of the fun. Oh, and thanks for the many, many views that you guys have been doing. The last post is the most viewed post in my history of playing around on a blog. I'm glad to see that you guys are enjoying reading as much as I enjoy writing them. Have some fun today. It's raining where I'm at so I have to make due with being inside all day. 

From the couch in front of the TV, this is me signing off and then signing on somewhere else. 


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