Monday is a day to never be excited about. Someone was excited though because they made a song about it. In fact, I believe there are multiple songs about Monday. I'm not a huge fan about a Monday, but today is an exception.
Today has been a fairly easy day. Play group this morning for the young ward, early release day for the eldest child in my possession, home coming for the oldest child of the brood and no working for me tonight. The only thing that sucks about today is that the sister in-law is in the emergency room again for her stomach issues. It may sound mean, but I had her friends take her to the ER because I had to get Eli from school. On top of that, since she is moving out, I will not be responsible for this anymore. I also won't be responsible for getting her to and from work. Again, it sounds mean, but it is for her own good and mine as well. She wants to be a grown up and live with her friends so they need to understand the need to be able to care for each other. I'm only one man and I have other needs that I have to attend to. My kids and my wife are more important than having to take care of another adult at the same time. I have no problem doing it, but I also need to know that she can care for herself without having to need me.
Since she is in the emergency room, I get to stay home for the rest of the day. It does suck having to call out of work, but sometimes it has to be done. At least on shore duty they understand the necessity of having to take care of your family. I do love knowing that I can call out as needed to take care of family matters. Another thing that I will be missing once I go back to the demand and politics of the boat.
Thanks to the school having early release day for today and tomorrow, my schedule and routine is completely thrown off. I don't usually like my schedule being thrown off, but I think I can manage the fact for the next two days. I think I will be okay. Since my two youngest princes have a thing about routines I tend to be anal about my routine as well. Luckily I am adult enough to be flexible even when I don't want to be. They are at least having fun with it being a short school day. Hell, Damen didn't even get to go to school today because of early release. He wasn't even mad about it so I'm happy for that. As of right now, they are sitting at the table eating a snack and I have the fox and the hound playing on the Disney channel. I have seen this movie more than my fair share of times. They don't really care because the TV is on and they get to watch it. I'm not a parent that likes to have the TV on all day but sometimes it has to be done. It's really the only way that I get anything done around the house. It sucks but it's a necessary evil. I'm just glad that the channel has never ending cartoons.
I was able to get my wife out of work too so she will be home any minute. With that being said, I will leave this here for you peeps to peruse and enjoy. I'm going to try and figure out supper and the plans for the rest of my afternoon and evening. It shouldn't be too difficult once my wife gets home. She usually is a very astute planner and always has an idea about something. Plus, we have little kid clothes to go through and separate, laundry to fold, and dishes to do. Well, not so much for dishes since the sink is practically empty.
Without further ado, I bring you to the end of this post in hopes that you read it and enjoy it. I'm off to do my thing.
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