Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekend Fun

     This has definitely been one hell of a weekend. The week itself wasn't much to brag about and the last couple days haven't been either, but the story does need its telling and I am here to do just that. Kind of makes me feel like a reporter. 

     It has been one of those weeks that I kind of wish I could do all over again because of everything that went wrong. Well, I can't say that everything went wrong because there were some things that went right. There are just some things that you can't get back and there are things that you wish you could do forever and ever. 

     The week went rather fast with everything that goes on here at the house. Appointments, therapies, work, cleaning. You name it, we probably do it. We had two birthdays this week. My oldest stepson and my wife. As you saw from my last post, I kind of screwed up my wife's birthday. Not the best move for a husband to do. My mistake and I am fixing it. I found out Friday that I have first watch on Wednesday. Typically, I don't have that watch because my section leaders all know that I have therapies for the little kids that day. You would think with the amount of times that I have told them this, they would listen and learn not to do that to me. Ah, that's the life of the military though. What's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander. So of course I am trying to get them to change it before Wednesday. It might not happen, but at least I am attempting it. Yesterday was spent at Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party for my oldest stepson. I really don't have a problem with that place, but when we are there at least twice a year for a birthday, it kind of gets old. Plus, it's a quick way to lose about 200 bucks. Between tokens and food for the party, it can get rather expensive. Such is the life of parents with multiple children. Hopefully Eli will pick somewhere other than that place for his party this year. Maybe I can talk him into bowling or something. Maybe even using this summer's planned road trip for his party too. We shall see what happens. 

     Last night ended pretty badly too. We went out for supper with the boys and had a decent time. We ate at the Golden Grill Mongolian BBQ place that we tend to frequent when we get the urge to eat there. It's an all you can eat place that is just fantastic. We aren't sure what was going on last night, but the service was rather terrible. We usually have great service from everyone there. From the hostess to the cook, everyone is usually rather friendly. Not last night though. Last night they were borderline rude and uncaring. It's easily forgivable because they were just probably having a bad day. Things like that happen to everyone you know. We got home and come to find out, my beautiful wife had been dealing with abdomen pain for a few hours. Over the course of about an hour and a half, it got progressively worse for her. My mother in law ended up taking her to the ER so that she could get checked out. They ran some tests and did some "medical" stuff, yet found "nothing" wrong with my wife. I'm a firm believer of someone knowing their own body. If the doctors and the nurses would just listen to people, things would be a lot easier. Needless to say, they sent her home with pain medicine and no real answers. Modern medicine fails again. Either way, not a way to end her night.

     Now on to today. I got to sleep in until almost 9 o'clock. Rare for me on any day of the week. Helps when the sister in law doesn't have to work because her shift got covered. She ended up in the ER yesterday as well. That happens to apparently be the favorite place for my wife and her sister. I don't like either of them being there but sometimes they just have to go. So now I have one laid up in her bed in her room, one laid up on the couch with kids cuddling her and I'm running around getting things done (as soon as I finish this). Hopefully, the more I do today, the less I have to do tomorrow. All those appointments and such to get done. One day, I won't have to adult so early in the morning. 

     With that being said, the biscuits are about to come out of the oven and I have to run myself to the store for some supplies. I will leave this here, right here, for you to peruse at your most opportune time. Have it.


Thursday, March 19, 2015


     Not just any stupidity. This is MY stupidity. There are just some things that you don't do and it seems that I have done every single one of them because I let curiosity get to the better of me. What's the old saying? "Curiosity killed the cat?" Yeah, I think that was how it went. I am the cat in this situation. Granted, this was all a series of poor choices on my part. My stupidity apparently knows no bounds. One of these days, I will kill that damn cat so that curiosity will leave me alone. 

     Thursday night here at the house and the wife is with one of the young kings at the Urgent Care Center. It's supposed to be her birthday and she is supposed to be at home getting massaged up so she can relax and sleep tonight. A sick child outweighs that. So far, the only thing that I know is that he has a slight fever and a spiky throat. His words, not mine. The doctors have also sent out a strep culture already so hopefully we know something soon. I'm just hoping that he isn't too severely sick. I hate seeing my little man all sick and stuff. He spent too much of his life sick already. The swamp fires and stuff in Georgia were pretty bad and it seriously screwed with his asthma. Not sure what has flared it up again, but we should find out soon. I'm at home being the dad so I'm not there. 

     I am lounging on the couch listening to music in the dark because it fits the mood. I was planning on playing some MH4U, but I'm not sure how motivated I am to do that. I'm sure I will still pick it up and play it because I need to get some online time with a group that is ranking up. I don't know how quick I want to try and get to G-rank though. I'm already having enough trouble making it through some of the high rank quests and I have high rank armor. Eh, either way, I will still push through it and get to where I want to be. My friend already broke the hunter cap and is at Hunter Rank 65. He is rocking some pretty sweet gear. I'm jealous lol I will get there at some point though. 

     I do however, think it is time for me to just let the music drown out my thoughts so that I can focus on other things. Hunting monsters should make me feel better. I think my good headphones are around here somewhere. If I don't answer, it's because I can't hear anything besides the music. Noise cancelling headphones are pretty legit. You should go pick up a set. Money well spent.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Just another magic Monday

     Monday is a day to never be excited about. Someone was excited though because they made a song about it. In fact, I believe there are multiple songs about Monday. I'm not a huge fan about a Monday, but today is an exception. 

     Today has been a fairly easy day. Play group this morning for the young ward, early release day for the eldest child in my possession, home coming for the oldest child of the brood and no working for me tonight. The only thing that sucks about today is that the sister in-law is in the emergency room again for her stomach issues. It may sound mean, but I had her friends take her to the ER because I had to get Eli from school. On top of that, since she is moving out, I will not be responsible for this anymore. I also won't be responsible for getting her to and from work. Again, it sounds mean, but it is for her own good and mine as well. She wants to be a grown up and live with her friends so they need to understand the need to be able to care for each other. I'm only one man and I have other needs that I have to attend to. My kids and my wife are more important than having to take care of another adult at the same time. I have no problem doing it, but I also need to know that she can care for herself without having to need me. 

     Since she is in the emergency room, I get to stay home for the rest of the day. It does suck having to call out of work, but sometimes it has to be done. At least on shore duty they understand the necessity of having to take care of your family. I do love knowing that I can call out as needed to take care of family matters. Another thing that I will be missing once I go back to the demand and politics of the boat. 

     Thanks to the school having early release day for today and tomorrow, my schedule and routine is completely thrown off. I don't usually like my schedule being thrown off, but I think I can manage the fact for the next two days. I think I will be okay. Since my two youngest princes have a thing about routines I tend to be anal about my routine as well. Luckily I am adult enough to be flexible even when I don't want to be. They are at least having fun with it being a short school day. Hell, Damen didn't even get to go to school today because of early release. He wasn't even mad about it so I'm happy for that. As of right now, they are sitting at the table eating a snack and I have the fox and the hound playing on the Disney channel. I have seen this movie more than my fair share of times. They don't really care because the TV is on and they get to watch it. I'm not a parent that likes to have the TV on all day but sometimes it has to be done. It's really the only way that I get anything done around the house. It sucks but it's a necessary evil. I'm just glad that the channel has never ending cartoons. 

     I was able to get my wife out of work too so she will be home any minute. With that being said, I will leave this here for you peeps to peruse and enjoy. I'm going to try and figure out supper and the plans for the rest of my afternoon and evening. It shouldn't be too difficult once my wife gets home. She usually is a very astute planner and always has an idea about something. Plus, we have little kid clothes to go through and separate, laundry to fold, and dishes to do. Well, not so much for dishes since the sink is practically empty. 

Without further ado, I bring you to the end of this post in hopes that you read it and enjoy it. I'm off to do my thing.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Superlative

     Is it really Sunday again? I seem to have lost everything this week. My mind is somewhere around the house, but I have yet to locate it. It has been lost for a few days and I think it might be wandering around all alone. Oh well. Time to prep for Monday since that is tomorrow. 

     I'm currently laid out on the couch enjoying the rain as it falls gently from the sky. I even have two kids watching cartoons and playing quietly. Eli is upstairs playing on the XBox because he asked so nicely. He does enjoy Lego Batman so I try not to deny him the joy of playing the game. He won't get to play it all day mind you because he doesn't need to be doing that. We are two days past yet another Friday the 13th. This last one wasn't too bad because I didn't spend much time at work and I got to play video games with a friend. The thing that made it great was the fact that I got some new ink. It was a cheap "meaningless" tattoo but it was fun. 20 dollars for a small tattoo themed to the 13th? Why yes I'll take one. A lot of people don't understand the whole meaning of the tattoos for that day. I enjoy getting the ink done because I enjoy the shit out of getting ink shoved into my body that will last forever. Granted it was only my 3rd one, I definitely want more. The next time the 13th rolls around on a Friday is in November. Although, June is going to be when I start the designs for my back piece. 

     Enough about the tattoos. I'm not sure what happened Saturday, but I do know that it was rather busy and it was a rather decent day. The kids were good all day and I really didn't have to resort to the daddy voice too much. I really even haven't used it at all today. I have spent much of the day doing nothing with the exception of things that needed to be done. You know, lunch for the kids and getting stuff for dinner ready. I still have a few things to get done before my wife gets home. I have some dishes to do and a little bit of cleaning to do, but it won't take me too long to do. I will just put on the replay from last night's live show on and I will be cleaning in no time. I have the TV on for the little boys. They love being able to watch TV. Thank jebus for Disney Junior and the amount of kid's shows they put on. They have a new one that they are watching right now called "Miles from Tomorrowland". It's all done in outer space and the kids love it. 

     I just finished reading through the newest edition of Game Informer Magazine. It's a monthly magazine I get that is all about video games. I was thumbing through it just for fun because I do like reading about the video games and things like that. As I was coming to the end of the magazine, I stumbled upon an article that was doing a review of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. For those that have been following along, you know that the game has only been out for a month as of today. You guys know that I picked it up the day after it was released. The game itself got a review of 8.75 out of 10. Not too bad for the series since has been out for quite a long time. If I remember right, the original release came out on the Playstation 2. I remember when I first started playing it on the PSP when Monster Hunter Freedom Unite came out. I really didn't understand the game itself at the time. I didn't even really get that far into it either. I had fun doing all of the low rank village missions because I was underway when I started playing it. I didn't really have the support group that I have now with 3U and 4U. Fantastic games if you haven't played them. It really isn't a game that you can just pick up and play. There are a lot of things to learn and understand. The way the armor is made and the skills that you can pick up. The way you make weapons and use them is just insane. They added two new weapons to the latest installment. The Inset Glaive (IG) and the Charge Blade (CB). You get to learn how to use them and they are a lot of fun. I am a board and sword user myself. It's just who I am. I do know how to use the other weapons though. Thanks to 3U, I learned how to use most of the things besides the IG and the CB. I am currently working on learning how to use the new weapons. I have one weapon of each because I'm planning ahead. I might end up playing a little bit tonight online with random people to see if I can raise my hunter rank to the G level. Before I go, I guess I should explain how the Hunter Rank works. 
     During Solo Play, you do what is essentially story missions in the game. They rank from Low Rank to High Rank. In 4U, LR is 1* missions to 6* missions. Doing the key quests in a lower star level opens up the urgent quest. The urgent quest is for the next star level of quests. You can farm the monsters to make your weapons and armor and improve your stuff before moving on to the next higher star level. Aside from the Solo Play, you can do what is known as Guild Hall play or Online Play. In the Guild Hall, you have quests just like the story mode except these quests are made to be done with other people. The monsters are four times as strong as normal. You get the same amount of time to complete the quests and all quests are doable with a single person, but it is recommended to be done with a party of 4. In 4U, they made it for the 3DS so they added the ability to play online with others. In 3U, you had to have  a Wii-U for online play or you had to have multiple friends nearby with a copy of the game. In the Guild Hall, once you finish your urgent quest, your hunter rank goes up a number. So doing the key quests in HR1, doing the urgent for HR2 will get you ranked up to HR2. Rinse and repeat. Once you hit HR4 though, you go into High Rank quests. Once you reach HR7, your urgent for HR8 will actually "break" the hunter rank cap and everything that you have done prior to reaching HR8 will finally be added to your total. It actually shows where you should really be at. A friend of mine just went from HR7 to HR53. Literally after beating the "final boss". In case you were wondering, there really isn't a final boss or boss monsters in this game at all. You just grab a quest and go complete it. There is a small story like appearance to the game, but you only get that from the solo player mode. I have just over 100 hours invested into this game and I am only HR5. I have a few things that I need to work on before I continue on in the online realm of this game. I do like playing solo, but having the other hunters there smacking up the monster does make you feel better. Most of my missions, depending on the monster, last about 20 minutes at the most. I have personally been involved in the desecration of monsters that lasted all of 4 minutes. I can solo a Great Jaggi in just under 3 minutes. Most of that time is spent running to the area that the monster is located. 

     Now that I have pretty much explained the game in a very short two paragraphs, I will now go on to an adventure in the game. I think I shall jump online and see what I can do to either finish up an armor set that I am working on or learn one of the new weapons. Either way, it promises to be a blasty blast. I will see you cats on the flip side of the fun. Oh, and thanks for the many, many views that you guys have been doing. The last post is the most viewed post in my history of playing around on a blog. I'm glad to see that you guys are enjoying reading as much as I enjoy writing them. Have some fun today. It's raining where I'm at so I have to make due with being inside all day. 

From the couch in front of the TV, this is me signing off and then signing on somewhere else. 


Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Sunny Spring Day

     Another week has completely bypassed me yet again and I am staring at the face of the tail end of Sunday. Monday is yet again around the corner. Bring your sad faces because the weekend is ending and the work week starts again. I literally have no idea where my week went besides to work and errands. I think I lost it somewhere between Tuesday and Wednesday. Normally I don't lose any days during my week, but this last week was very intense. Between appointments for the children and myself, I was hardly home. My normal routine was crushed and I wasn't too happy about it. 

     I haven't really played catch up at all because it really has been a lazy weekend for me. Yeah, I did some dishes and I helped with the laundry and I went to work when I was supposed to. This weekend was a sleep time catch up weekend. Monday was mostly normal for me. Kid to school, sister to work, kid to therapy and then finally a kid off to school for the afternoon. Normal routine was nice. Tuesday was completely screwed up because I had some errands that were military related so I had to get up early and put on the uniform to go do it all. Still have things to do on Wednesday of this week since I didn't get it all completed last week. Leading into Wednesday I was on a roll again for a slight bit of normalcy. At least it was until I got to work. My Chief tried to kick me out of the shop the minute I walked in. I'm not really sure why he was still there at almost 3:30 in the afternoon. I hardly ever see him and I like it that way. Thursday became the worst day in history. I started the morning at a little before 5, went to base, took an exam, called into work for duty, napped for about 3 hours, and then went to work for 8 hours. Then I came home and got 3 hours of sleep before getting up for the rest of my 14 hour day. Whoo! That was one hell of a week. I can say though that Thursday and Friday sucked more for my wife then it did for me. Well, I guess it would be her Thursday through Saturday night because she hasn't had much sleep either. Stayed up all day Thursday, worked the graveyard that night, got up Friday with the kids, worked an 8 hour shift that night that was immediately followed by a 5 hour shift at her other job, napped for about 3 hours and then worked another 8 hour shift Saturday. Needless to say, I let her sleep in today so that she could try to recover some of her sleep. She happens to be at work right now as I stand in the kitchen about to make supper.

     I have yesterday's radio show playing through the speakers and the stove is coming up to heat along with the oven. I'm not really used to talking to you guys during suppertime. I usually catch you around lunch time or right before bed if I'm not too worn out from the manual labor at work. I figured since today was such a sunny spring day, I would try to catch you while it was still out and about. You know, my time on the west coast and all. I remember saying a few posts ago that since Carter isn't at the house right now that Eli would be the poster child for good behavior. Oh how RIGHT I turned out to be. I have had very little issues with my little big man. He's 6 so I don't expect him to be perfect, but I haven't had to really raise my voice at all this last week. I think part of the problem, whether my wife admits it or not, is that Eli tries so hard to be the Alpha male while Carter is here that it causes him to get into trouble. He doesn't do that while Carter is gone because he knows that he is the big kid on campus. We have had movie nights for the past couple nights because he has been so good. I am pretty sure that once Carter is back, I will be back to being stressed out and yelling at kids every 15 to 20 minutes because of all of the arguing and whatnot. I really don't want to, but alas, I must. 

     Today, Eli, Damen, and I took a trip to the playground by the water for a little bit. As stated before, it was a nice day outside and it still is. I can look out the window and see the sun as it does its slow dance down to the western horizon. The reds and oranges and purples will be out soon signifying the end of the day and the coming of dusk. As the colors meld together and become the black that is night, the late night critters start waking up and commencing their "morning". It really is a fabulous dance. One that you should take time out to watch. Hell, that description right there makes me want to do that tonight. I do have to drown the children though. I meant to do it last night, but I got caught up in watching the Fifth Element with my mother in-law and Beverly took the kids upstairs for a movie night. Well, the little boys joined her. Eli was busy playing Lego Batman in his room. Like I said, the boy has been good enough that his Aunt Jamie decided to put a TV and XBox in his room. I'm not sure how long he will keep it in there, but for now, it's okay. We even went down by the water so that they could throw rocks into the water. They love to throw things. What can I say, I'm a sucker for letting them throw the rocks in the water. I have come to realize that I don't always make time to play with them or take them places to have fun. I really ought to do that since in roughly 16 months I will probably be somewhere beneath the ocean doing my favorite job in the entire world. There is just something magical about doing the work that I do where I do it. 

     And I'm back!! You didn't even notice that I was gone did you? No, you probably didn't. I now have two little kids in the bath playing and the Feb 28th Replay jamming out through the speakers of the computer. What was going to be a return trip to the waterfront ended up being dishes with the exception of a few things that will be quickly washed after the children are done drowning. I think the kids being clean kind of trumps the dishes. At least they are dishes that we barely use so I'm not too concerned. Knowing my luck, my wife probably reads these and wants to smack me most days. As you guys have probably noticed, I have been on radio silence most of the week. It seems like the weekends are the best time to get on here and punch out some posts. I guess I will just have to up my frequency on the weekends. There goes one resolution down the drain. I said it was going to be an everyday thing, but it seems that real life has taken precedence over the things I want to do. Apparently, taking the kids to their appointments and going to work is more important than playing around on the computer with you guys. So, if it is okay with the general populace that reads this, I will do what I can to push one of these posts out during the week, but I can't promise anything. I will however, bring you all of the live and previously live action on the weekends when my schedule isn't dictated by the little princes and their appointments. 

     With that little decision up for grabs, it is time to go finish drowning the little kids so that I can drown the big kid and get everyone ready for bed. It has been great talking to you guys and I am sure that you are enjoying the length of these posts since they tend to be wordy and ramble-y. I know I enjoy typing them. Enjoy what is left of your weekend and curse that time of the year where we lost the hour of sleep early this morning. At least we get it back in October. Not like it is going to do much for us anyways.

Like a light bulb, I'm blowing out of here! Catch you peeps later!


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Serenade

     This is a mixture of a rant and a look at the last weekend here at the House of Wickid. Although I'm not sure where to start because the level of anger that I am experiencing right now is just beyond heavenly. There are things that I WANT to do, but am refraining from doing because I definitely don't need to start something epic while I am this pissed off. I guess that was as good as place as any to start.

     Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but if I allow you to live in my house that I pay for, rent free, how can you feel that I am taking advantage of you? I feed you. I drive you around. I take you to your appointments and work. I don't make you do any chores unless they pertain to your stuff. For example, clean your own room and occasionally do your own laundry. Pretty much I let you live here responsibility free. The only thing that I do ask, is that while my wife and I are at work, you keep an eye on the kids and make sure that they are fed and loved. You are family so I trust you because the kids know you and love you. Again, please tell me how I take advantage of you. I work Monday through Friday and typically have the weekends off unless I have duty. My wife's schedule is so random that I really can't list it here. If you only have to deal with the kids for a few hours a day, how can I possibly be taking advantage of you. Not to mention that I try to keep my children out of your hair and your room so that you can have your space and your peace and quiet. I let your friends come over pretty much whenever they get the chance and I try to be nice to them and YOU so that you feel welcome in my home. 

     General poll here. Feel free to leave a comment below. If you had this same set up, would you feel that I take advantage of you? Would you get pissy and bent out of shape with me while I slave in my own home to take care of YOU AND MY CHILDREN?? I don't mind my sister in-law's friends, I really don't, but for the love of GOB let your friends know that I don't run a flophouse. I'm on a food budget since I took a pretty hefty pay cut to come to shore duty. I literally don't ask her for much. I ask for her to keep her room clean and to watch the kids. My wife and I take care of everything else. We do her laundry, we feed her, we get her to work and back, we take her to the doctor, and we give her her privacy as much as we can. We take her out to dinner with us and all sorts of other things. She is family and we agreed that she could stay. She has been with us for a little over a year and I have worked my ass off to try and make her feel welcome. I remember the last time that I had her living with us because she needed a place to stay. It was horrible. I literally did take advantage of her. I dumped the kids on her, I yelled at her and her friends, I made her do things around the house that I could have easily done myself and that I probably should have done myself. So I knew what I needed to change this time around so that I wouldn't have the same problems as last time. Yet, here I am, with the same problems as last time, except that I haven't done any of the aforementioned things. I have been very careful to think about other people and not just myself. Funny how time changes things. Of course, when approached, she "never told mom" that she felt that way. Now her friend is pissed at me like this is all my fault that I am tired of her treating my house like it's a flophouse. You don't live here little lady. You don't pay my bills. You do however, eat all of my food and drink all of my coffee. This is the same chick from the last post who is mad at me and put me into that difficult position that I was put into. I'm sorry that your home life sucks. I really am, but then again, I have lived through it and have changed my situation for the better. If you don't actively go out of your way to fix your own shit, then you have no one to blame but yourself. 

     I mean honestly, how many of you can say that what I have offered isn't a great deal? Yeah you have to deal with 3 to 4 children depending on what week is, but you only have to deal with them for maybe 5 hours tops. MAYBE. I leave work early practically everyday. If you want, I can just stay at work until it is my ACTUAL time to leave. I can easily come home around 11 to 1130 ish every night. I can easily do that. You can also now walk the like 4 miles it is to your job since you know, I'll be too tired from working most of the day to take you. Walk home too while you are at it. Oh, don't feel like walking? Sorry, I'm not getting up for your convenience. If you haven't noticed by now, I am just done with the whole situation. This obviously isn't the first time that this has happened so one would think that I would have learned my lesson. I will tell you one thing though, this is the last time that I do this for you. Everyone in the family, myself included, thinks that you moving out with the friend that is mad because I'm telling her what's what at my house will fail in your attempt to move out and live on your own. Mainly because I don't see you making it past the first month. I can figure out how to schedule everything around itself because I have only been doing it for about 6 years now so I think I'm good. You however, will have to figure it all out for yourself because no one will be there to catch you when you fall. Burning bridges, while fun, isn't always a smart thing to do, especially when it involves family. We have tried to advise and guide you the best we can. If you don't listen, that's on you dude. 

*End rant*

     As I step off my soapbox and back into the realm that is one of peace and tranquility, I am reminded that I should only allow those that have a positive influence on my life be in my bubble, my world. Thank you goes out to my uncle for teaching me that very valuable lesson. I have strayed from that path too many times to count and because I am such a nice person, it seems to burn me more often than not. Maybe I'm a masochist and I like the pain and torture. I only think that when I play Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate though. The constant grind..... Desire sensor problems..... digressing..... And I'm back!

     It's SUNDAY!! Oh wait, I can't be happy about that because Monday is around the corner and there is no football on the TV. Sundays are now filled with random things like laundry and cleaning. Sometimes they are filled with laughter and joy, but that usually only happens when I am tickling the kids. Carter is off to his dad's house again for a little while and my stress level has receded some. There is just something about knowing that he is the main cause for a lot of the household problems really bothers me. I can pretty much promise you that for the next week or so, Eli will be like a perfect little angel. Yeah, he will still have some issues because he is 6 and he does like to push buttons, but other than that, he will be a poster child for good behavior. So tonight, I will get to wash some clothes and such so that I can have other things to add to my list that is my daily routine and watch some TV while playing the above mentioned game. I think one of the future posts will be a nerd-gasm about MH4U. Most of you won't understand it, but to those that read this and know what I am talking about, you know the struggle. The heartbreak. The accomplishment. All of the feels that just surround this game. 

     As you can see today has been filled with ups, downs, twists, and turns. It has been wild. Tomorrow my wife starts her first day at her new job and will only have two jobs for another week. She will move to on-call at the JITB where she works now, but hopefully that won't happen too much. She already is worn out enough as it is. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday as it winds down before you and get ready for the day that is dreaded by all. Monday is only 5 hours and 50 minutes away. Unless, you are already on Monday and then my heartfelt sadness goes out to you. I have to go. Kids to take care of and chores to do. You know how it goes.

I'm out people!!
