Sunday, June 23, 2013


     Today has been one of those days that everything has been distracting me from my tasks that I intended to complete. I did however get some good notes going on the book and now I need to finish working on the notes for the start and get the first two chapters written, or typed, I don't know which yet. This book writing thing is really hard. Too much stuff to keep up with that I must make sure makes sense while I am writing. It's a good thing that +Chuck Bisbee will be my editor and look over my stuff when I finally get it completed. I just hope that he can withstand all of the bull crap that I am going to send his way and not get tired of reading all of it. I know that he is very busy with his own book. Well, his second one that he is working on. 
     I have been distracted by children, movies that I have put on for them and pretty much anything else that would be a worthy distraction. Too much has been spent on the Facebook today and I am not sure why I still let it "control" me. It is those damn silly apps and games that they have which they use to hook you in and then they laugh as they watch you waste your life making sure that you do the daily things EVERY single day! Today, I have watched Batman and Robin, Batman (with Michael Keaton) and now we have just finished Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first one). I am so sad that I have been distracted some very good movies. Now I have made myself even more distracted because I put on Star Trek. I'm such a nerd. I can't help it, that movie was too good. I saw it in theaters and I watched every minute of it. See, I got distracted because I started to digress. Who knew it was so easy. 
     Anyways, I am trying my hardest not to get distracted, but unfortunately I have very low will power and I need to make it better. It is very easy if you want to see it in action. I always can find the shiny object that isn't even there. You know what I'm saying?? Now I am listening to my nerdy sister in-law talk about how she has all of the lord of the rings soundtracks. The movies were good, but definitely not good enough to get the soundtracks for. Now, if we were to talk about any of the Batman movies and their soundtracks, then you have me hooked and those are the best soundtracks ever! I can listen to those all day long. 
     I have been distracted long enough that I have completely forgotten as to why I even started this post. Oh yeah...... distractions. That's why I started this post. See? I got distracted. That is all for this edition from the Arena. Time to go get distracted and watch the rest of this movie and then head to bed. The next edition will be on your screen soon!

Editor In Chief


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