Thursday, June 20, 2013

Circumcision v. Murder

     You guessed it! This post is being written because some retard had the nerve to say that circumcision is worse that somebody getting an abortion. Now for those who have their own life decisions and moral fortitude and all of that happy jazz, realize before you go off on your tangents and get on your soap boxes, that this is just my opinion and that the opinions expressed in the Arena are of my own free will and are being made of sound mind. I don't want to hear about your reasons as to why you think that not circumcising your little boys penis is better for him and how "barbaric" it is to have it done and why you think he should have a choice in the matter. This is my soap box, my rant, and I will tell you how I feel about the whole situation being a circumcised adult myself.
     Here is some back story into the whole argument that I saw my wife having with someone else on Facebook. I'm severely tempted to just delete my Facebook and go straight G+, but it's the games on Facebook that have me hooked. Then again, I can just play the games that I have already installed on my computer and forgo the interwebs altogether, but I digress. So, my wife saw this post that was talking about how "barbaric" a circumcision is for a baby that is only a day old. Now being the way that I am and knowing that I usually can't keep my mouth shut that I feel strongly about. I feel strongly about the reasons for getting a newborn baby boy a circumcision. First off, the little won't remember any of the pain that he is experiencing and not only that, the hospitals shoot him up with so many different shots, that it really doesn't make a difference.After witnessing one of my own son's circumcision, I am actually happy that he doesn't remember a thing nor will he have the cleaning issues that comes along with foreskin.It just involves a little bit of Vaseline to keep the diaper from sticking to his genitals and a watchful eye to make sure that it doesn't get infected. It's not that hard and for the love of gawd, I can live with my kids being in pain for a few days then knowing that I killed an unborn child.
     Now, this isn't saying that having to deal with the psychological issues that follow a rape victim and the reasons for wanting to get rid of a child that came with the violent crime makes having an abortion legit. I still wouldn't get an abortion because there is no reason to kill something that can't even defend itself. There are women out there today that will make the conscious decision to go out and fornicate with random men while they are intoxicated or inebriated. A couple weeks down the road, they find out they are pregnant and the first thing they want to do is go out and find a way to get rid of their "mistake" that happened on that one drunken night. Yes, alcohol does lower your inhibitions and your ability to make decisions, but why would you put yourself in that situation anyways. I know that as a father of four, I will always say something like that or to that effect. I have learned from a few years of hard drinking that it really isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Try doing things from my point of view  and see what it's like to be a parent. Yeah, I made that choice to be a parent and I enjoy it. Don't let the "mistake" of one night ruin your views on being a parent.

     So that is my rant. Three days after I started this, I have finally finished it. Wait for the next edition from the arena.

Later Daze


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