Today has just been one of those days that getting out of bed was probably a mistake. Today started out as a typical Friday with the boys getting up way too early for their own good. Yeah, I can't even say that with a straight face. Anyways, today is the day that the movers and packers showed up to move all of our stuff from our house here and get it up to Washington state. I am excited because this is just another step closer to moving away from this little town with nothing in it.
The only problem with moving is the stress that it causes between everyone involved. I can't stand doing all kinds of cleaning and moving stuff around and getting things arranged to be moved. This is why I let my wife handle most of this stuff and she gets it done. It's not because I'm lazy mind you, it's because I hate doing paperwork and trying to organize stuff. She is way better at it than I am.
At least this time when the movers started packing all of the stuff, they were very professional and this time they got everything logged so that way, I won't be missing a deep freezer when they deliver our stuff to Washington. At least, they better not be missing any of my stuff. I am so ready to be done with this trip and unpacking boxes into the new house and getting everything situated. Although, that part of moving is the easiest because we can set everything up and get it the way we want it instead of my wife barking orders about how to clean this or clean that. I know that my wife is ready to get all of this stuff done because she is ready to go back to work and not be stuck in the house all day long. I'm ready for her not to be stuck in the house all day long. It has been too long since she has done something just for her and yes, I know that working may not be "entirely" for her, but it does get her out of the house and away from the children. She will be able to spend some time not always changing diapers or feeding kids and bottling up her stress. Plus it gives me a perfect chance to play loads of video games without interruptions. I can now finally beat all of those games that I have been wanting to beat.
Well this is all for now. Until tomorrow's edition....
Later Daze
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