A very long weekend! We have done so much since Friday that I am having a hard time keeping up and it has made me so tired that it has been hard to stay up late like I normally do. Today has been the typical Monday except that I actually had to go back to work today. It's not like going back to work this week is a bad thing because Thursday night will be our last night here in King's Bay. I actually can't wait until Thursday. I have very little work left to do here in King's Bay. There are some check outs that need to be done and a sedated MRI for one little wee man and then it will be off to the west coast again. I'm actually going to be home most of the day tomorrow so that I can take care of the boys and turn the keys in for the house. Speaking of the house, I am so happy that I did not have to clean it on Saturday. I stayed with my mother in-law while my beautiful wife went over and did all of that hard work. I wanted to help her out, but she made me stay with the boys and rescue mom and keep her sane. I guess I did a pretty good job because we had fun on Saturday and didn't kill any of the children.
Sunday was a really good day for us because we spent it outside of the hotel and in Jacksonville. We took the children down to the zoo, which by the way was a huge disappointment. We got so spoiled by the Point Defiance Zoo up in Washington that the Jacksonville Zoo was just below mediocre. Not saying that we didn't have fun because we did, but we are so ready to go to a real zoo with lots of stuff in it that will be a lot more fun to go to. The boys had so much fun at the zoo that they all fell asleep on the car ride home. It was nice and quiet and peaceful. I don't remember the last time that we had all three of them asleep in the car. I hope that they sleep well on the road trip because we are going to be spending a fair amount of time on the road. We will be seeing a few people along the way. It will be nice because we won't always be paying for a hotel room. At least two of the nights that I know of we won't be paying for a hotel room. At least that's what I think. She knows better than I do because she has done all of the planning for this road trip. The only thing that I do know is that I am ready to be there already and moving our stuff into the new house and getting it all nice and set up.
I can't even wait to get the cable and internet set up again because I will be back online for video games and doing this blog. I even have some plans for a book that I will be writing and I need lots of research so that I can figure some things out and make sure they are right. I am even ready for all of the "rain" that they have up there. It will give me plenty of time to spend inside with the boys and on the computer. I plan on making full use of the next three years to do a bunch of things. I may even go out and get my associates degree so that I can get even more points on my advancement exam. You know, just in case I don't make E-6 this time up. I'm not expecting to make it, but it would be really nice to get it. It would make my career so much easier. A lot of people already know that I am planning on doing at least 20 years in the Navy. I can do that as a First Class, but I can't do it as a Second Class. That is a story for another time though.
Now, I am currently laying on the bed in the hotel room listening to the rain on the roof and watching The Crow. The only good one there is. The one with Brandon Lee as the Crow. Such an awesome movie. My favorite quote from the whole movie, :"It can't rain all the time." I think that it has to be one of the best movies of all time. It definitely makes my top 5 list. I also dig on Pulp Fiction and Scarface, but not necessarily in that order. Man that word was hard. I had to spell it like four times before I got it right. Damn necessarily. I should have paid more attention in school when in came to spelling. I still have issues even with the help of the spell checker.
So now I have just three days left at this command and I am done going out to sea for a little while. My wife is happy that I will be home for the next three years and I am sure that the kids are as well. I know that I will be very happy to not miss major life events because of being underway. Well, that is all for tonight's addition from the arena of Wickid.
Later Daze
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