There are many things that I miss about being a kid. There are also a lot of things that I don't miss about being a child. There are some days that I still act like a child and I get very giddy when I get a new video game to play. I giggle like a little school girl when I play the game for the first time. Simple things still amuse me and stupid funny movies are the best kind of movie.
Now that I have transitioned into full blown parenthood, I look back on my childhood days. Things like "nap time" are the things that I miss the most. If I would have known that I wouldn't be getting naps everyday as an adult I definitely would have slept when my parents told me to go take a nap. As an adult now, I get my sleep when I can. Most of the time is it usually at the expense of just falling asleep on the couch for twenty or thirty minutes while the boys are downstairs with me playing. I know that I am supposed to watch them, but they behave well enough to not get into too much trouble. It doesn't stop them from doing things to get into trouble though. There are other days where I wish that it was just the wife and I so that I could nap when I got home from work. Getting up early to go to work is something that I loathe and enjoy all at the same time. I hate getting up early, but once I do get up I am awake for the rest of the day. I like my job, but the early mornings are just killer.
When it comes to the new video games, I look back to the days of the NES. You know, the Nintendo Entertainment System. The Mario/Duck Hunt game was the first game that I ever got to play. Who knew that the stupid dog on Duck Hunt could make you so mad? I also look at the supreme difference in the graphics and how well they have advanced. From block 8-bit games like Mario to the High Definition graphics for Skyrim and Assassin's Creed III. Who could have foreseen the joys of technology? I tried playing Oblivion for PC during my recovery time from my last surgery and had to stop. After playing such games like Skyrim and Final Fantasy XIII, I couldn't handle the horrid graphics. I am a victim of things looking too good to go back to things like that. I don't even care what people say about me for that, but I know that I love my graphics.
I also look back on how I treated my parents when I was growing up. My four boys are trying to do things like I did when I was a wee lad. Things like getting mommy to say yes even after daddy says no. I can tell you right now how mad my dad used to get every time I tried that little stunt. He would get so red in the face and yell for what felt like hours. I find myself doing the same thing with my boys. I had always heard the rumor that your children will be at least ten times as bad as you were to your parents. I don't think that it is true because my kids are fairly well behaved. They have their bad days where listening is just something that they don't want to do. I may not have always respected my dad growing up, but I did fear what he would do to me if he ever caught me doing something bad. It was always the fear of that paddle that usually kept me on the straight and narrow. He didn't do a bad job raising me. I didn't end up in jail, I'm not doing drugs, and I have my own family with a damn good job. He may not always say it, but I know that he is proud of me. Since we are on the subject of children pulling stunts, I have come to learn the signs of them doing things they aren't supposed to be doing. It is actually very nice knowing that I can catch them and stop the bad act before it gets too out of hand. I can't say that I won't ever yell at my children, but I will make my presence known when I need to. Sometimes I wish my dad wouldn't have been so vocal with me. I wish that he would have just talked to me like I have so recently learned to do with my kids.
How many of you parents wish that they had a "Parenting for Dummies" book? I know that I did when I got married to my beautiful wife. Instantly had two children to care for and sacrifice my needs to make sure that they were alright. Now, four years later, I have a total of four boys that try my patience everyday. Sometimes are better than others and I don't have to raise my voice. Other days are just full of yelling and high blood pressure. I always look forward to the good days. For the new moms and dads out there, THERE IS NO PERFECT PARENT. You will make mistakes and things will become very trying for you. Keep your chin up, smile often, and look forward to the days when you and your child will part ways. I don't say that so that you can look forward to getting rid of your kids. I say that with the knowledge and the confidence that my four boys will be productive members of society and will know right from wrong. Every thing that you can teach your child will stay with them for the rest of their life.
Some days parenthood sounds like such a horrible idea. I wouldn't trade the choices that I have made in my life for anything. If I could go back and do it all over again, my wife and I would be celebrating about 8 years of marriage instead of 4. I love being a dad. I love watching my boys run up to greet me every day when I get home from work. It makes me smile every time. I am going to enjoy parenthood for as long as I can. Enjoy yours while you can. Soon, you will be kid less, but you will always be a parent.
From the Arena
You are always as giddy a little girl...kidding maybe!!! Anyway I can admit Im still a kid!!!!Honestly enjoy them while you can. They grow up fast.