Already?!? |
I remember that as a kid I used to adore Sundays. There was football and whatever else my dad decided to put on the TV when there wasn't a NASCAR race on. It meant Sunday dinner that was always so filling and so delicious. It meant the smell of clean laundry and time spent folding clothes. My dad and I would get up in the morning and read the paper, mow the yard, and wash vehicles. Then we would end the day on the couch and the recliner, kicked back watching sports. Oh so many years later, I still do most of those things, but I don't do them with my dad anymore. Instead, I do those things with my children. Granted there are a few changes to my Sunday routine, but all in all it is relatively the same. We get up, have breakfast, get a couple Sunday papers and enjoy the little time we have to do chores before all of the morning football games start. I am very happy to report that all of my boys love watching football and they are very competitive when it comes to their teams. I unfortunately drew the short end of the stick with the team support because the kids tend to root for mommy's teams. At some point or another I hope that the power shifts to me and the kids root for my teams. I can only hope.
Another significant reminder that it is the end of the weekend revolves around the children going back to school the next day. Here in Washington, school starts the first week of September and as of right now I couldn't be happier. I have to older boys that are school age. They both attend the same school but they are two years apart. There is nothing wrong with them being two years apart. I'm glad to have half of my children in all day school so that my wife can have some peace and quiet at home with the little boys. Although, with the current state of The House of Wickid, it seems that my three year old is starting school next week (week of Sept. 15th) for two days out of the week. It makes me happy knowing that he will be in school for six hours out of the week and making things a lot easier on her. She will only have to deal with one child during that time. Think of all of the things that she can get done while the kids are out of the house and learning. I can think of a lot of things that she can do. She will do what she can and I don't expect her to be all Superwoman and do everything in a three hour time span. That would just be plain impossible. I can barely do three things in about three hours. She is so much better at multitasking so I'm not too worried about her.

It is a shame that Monday follows Sunday. If there was a different name for the start of the work week, people would hate that day instead.There are plenty of Sundays where I just get the urge to sit around and do nothing. Those days are typically during football season because I tend to get sucked into all of the football games and then all of a sudden it is dinner time. Why is it that the week drags on and on until Friday? It seems that once you get to Friday time speeds up so that you have what feels like 12 hours to get 48 hours worth of stuff done. There must be some space time continuum thing that happens as a result of everybody having a weekend off. We seriously need a day between Saturday and Sunday. Let's call it Funday! That would be awesome. Mondays come and go, but we hate them just the same. If only there was a way to either skip this day or find a way to make it shorter. I think that a lot of the problem and hatred that Monday gets stems from the fact that people stay up way to late on Sunday even though they know they have to be up early the next day. I myself am a victim of this notorious crime because it haunts me even to this day. My mind refuses to shut off on Sunday night when I lay down. I always start making my weekly plan while I lay there fighting to get to sleep. The Sandman deems it necessary to skip my house when he is delivering his sleeping dust. Why he would do that is beyond me, but he is very rude!
End of the weekend or are we at the week's end? You tell me. We here at the House of Wickid enjoy the fact that the week is coming to a start and that school is tomorrow for our children. We shall see you next time here on The Arena. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
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