Since I have posted an update onto the site. I have been very busy these last ten days, what with getting our stuff set up in the house and trying to get everything organized and just all around cleaning and keeping busy. I have discovered some new things that might just appease the masses though. I have discovered this exciting new game, well new to me, called League of Legends. It's an online PvP game that has swept up my some of my time. For those who don't know, PvP stands for Player vs. Player in the realm of video games. This game takes a little while to download initially, but once you get it downloaded and set up your profile, it has to be one of the greatest FREE games I have ever played. Yes, that is correct, I said FREE!! Most people know the phrase, "If it's free, it's for me." So if you haven't had the chance to download it, go out and download it and let your gaming experience commence. It is fairly easy to learn and quite fun once you get the hang of it. Just remember that when you play with the other real people, they have to ability to honor you or report you. Be careful with your actions because the game will ban you if you get reported too often. It's only a few days and you will get to play again, but it is what it is. They rotate weekly with free champions that you can battle with and after every battle you gain experience points and IP, which is currency to purchase new champions and runes and other neat stuff.
On to other stories, my wife is now looking for a job to make things easier on us money wise. I do hope that she gets a job because then there will be plenty of time to go out and do things. We plan on visiting Seattle as often as possible and we are trying to be as social as possible because we have been nothing but hermits since we left Washington almost three years ago. Of course money is tight once you get done moving, but once we get situated and back into a routine, then everything should balance itself out and we will be back to normal. I have been spending way too much time on the Facebook playing those games and looking at funny stuff and pretty much trying to avoid work. My wife has not allowed me to really miss an opportunity to do chores and I have been helping around the house quite often, which for those that know me, is not normal for me. I'm used to doing the bare minimum of chores and she takes care of everything else and now that I am on leave and going to shore duty, she is expecting a lot more out of me. I'm actually not opposed to this little arrangement that is happening because I will be spending a lot of time at home. According to the people that I have spoken to from work, they spend an amazing amount of time at home instead of at work. Being the liberty hound that I am, I am of course, enjoying the reports that I am getting. That means I will pretty much be a "stay at home dad" and I will be able to do work at home and spend very little time at work. Although, it looks like I will be doing a swing shift, which kind of sucks, but kind of doesn't. I'm not opposed to going to work at 2 in the afternoon and coming home around dinner time because most boats won't do work after dinner unless it is critical items. So it looks like I will be home for dinner every night. The duty rotation will be awesome because it looks like once I qualify a watch to stand, I will stand it once every 50 to 60 days. Ten section duty rotation with 20 to 30 people in a duty section and only three watches to man?? Yeah, this next three years is going to be phreaking awesome!!!
Advancement exam results came out today and for those that have been following know that I am up for E-6, which is a First Class Petty Officer. Well out of the 254 people that took the same exam that I did, only 25 of us made it. Yes, that is only 10 percent and I bet you can't guess which part of the percentage that I ended up in. That's right, I didn't make it, but then again, this was only my first time taking that exam and I wasn't really expecting to make it in the first place because I haven't been in as long as most people taking that exam. It's okay, I'm not depressed, disappointed maybe, but I'm also realistic about my chances of making rate.
Today has been a very wet and grey day. I'm looking out the back window of the house now and all I see is grey skies and watch the rain fall. It just happens to be one of those days where staying inside, perusing the movie collection and sitting under a blanket and enjoying some company are on the top of the list. So check your forecast, do your thing, and enjoy your life while smiling often.
Later Daze
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