I have seen some shit in my short 28 years of life here on the planet that we call home. I have seen the fall of the twin towers. I have seen the declarations of war. I have seen suicides and murders. I have seen tears and agony. Happiness and smiles. Hugs and kisses. Friends and enemies. Out of all of that stuff, I have been able to handle pretty much all of it with a quiet stoic voice. I have seen crazy "challenges" that have gone viral and populated a social media with the rapidity of a nasty virus. Again, I have stood by and watched as people did some of the stupidest things that I have ever seen. I've witnessed on the news about the shootings in schools and movie theaters. People going "crazy" and killing other people. Race crimes out the yin yang because somebody has some beef with someone else. Criminals getting off free because of a myriad of reasons. Things that shouldn't happen are happening. It bothers the living crap out of me.
I say all this because I am finally tired of seeing it all happen. I'm tired of watching people shoot up places because they feel they are superior to others. I'm tired of seeing people get into gang fights or having race crimes happens because you had a misunderstanding and you think the violence will solve it all. I lead into all of this because we, as Americans, are fucking stupid some times. For example, one of the most recent challenges that I have been seeing flying all over the interwebs is this "Stomping the American Flag". Like seriously? Do you have nothing better to do than to hate on a symbol? Or let's go to the recent decision of the state of South Carolina and them removing the Confederate Battle Flag from their government buildings. Why? Why would you remove something that is a part of the history of the United States? Is it because you fear this symbol? Is it because you are "offended" by it? Or is it because some racist little asshole shot up a church in your state, killing 9 church folk, because he "was doing what god wanted him to do"? So in your panic to "find an answer", you petitioned to have a national symbol removed? You are under the belief that it symbolizes racism and hatred. Have you actually done any research at all? Have you looked past your insecurities and discrimination to actually find the right answer before you went ahead and did something that I see as stupid?
Before you all start barraging me with links and hate mail about why I am wrong or how I am going to hell because you think I support this recent act of lunacy, I want you all to know that I actually did some research because I feel that this is a topic, while touchy, is a rather good one. I looked up the meaning of the Confederate Battle Flag and it's history. I went into different sites because no good researcher only uses one site to find all of his/her information. So while I was at work the other day, doing nothing, I perused about 15 websites about the Confederate Flag. I read all manner of interpretations and reasoning behind all of the hatred and whatnot that is surrounding this part of our history. The one thing that sticks out the most is this one phrase: "Only the winners write the history. The Yanks won so they got to write about what happened." Take that at face value. In all reality, this is probably the truest statement that I have seen written. Why would you let the loser write about what happened? If you were boxing against someone and you lost, what would they talk about in the papers? THE WINNER! You, as the loser, would get mentioned, but that is roughly about it.
It is people like the politicians that are in office now and those that have severe knee jerk reactions because they think that they have "to do something" when a tragedy happens is what is completely wrong with the world right now. I could say all day that I wish for world peace, but I know in my heart that it is an impossibility. It is because of people and their inability to be flexible. To be understanding of others. To just shut the fuck up and listen.
I am also one of those people that believe in evolution. I don't really care what we evolved from, I just know that we didn't just show the fuck up one day and call it good. We all had to start somewhere. I was reading this article last week while at work. I was perusing the webs and I came upon this article about this 22 year old guy that died over the 4th of July weekend. At first, I was a little sad because no parent ever wants to bury their child. It's not the natural order or process of things in life. Sometimes that is unavoidable and you take it and roll with it, you move on. As I was reading this article, I was dumbfounded to see that it was all this guy's fault. Let me set this up for you. Guy was 22. Legal drinking age. Hanging out at a party with his friends and family. Has fireworks that he is setting off. One in particular is a reloadable mortar. Gets the bright idea to reload it and tell people that he is going to light it off while it is on his head. People tried to stop him and failed. He lit it off. He now lays 6 feet under.
Now to me, I think this dude needs the Darwin award. Evolution and Natural Selection has done it's job. They took someone who wasn't too bright and removed him from the equation. While I feel for the family, I still have to laugh because this all could have been avoided. A few days later I was again perusing the news and saw another article about the mother of said deceased man calling for stricter laws when it comes to fireworks. Her main arguing point was that "he thought it was a dud." I'll just let you think about that last statement right there........ Remember, he had a RELOADABLE mortar that he just lit off........ Finished reading the statement? Got what she said in your head? See how STUPID it is? Fortunately, the cop like person that they interviewed hit the nail on the head when he made a statement saying that he thought it was highly unlikely that the dead dude thought the mortar was a dud. Again, the knee jerk reaction I mentioned earlier. While in the state of Washington it only costs $10 dollars to go out and get your pyrotechnics license, you save yourself a whole lot of hassle is you just THINK about what it is you are doing. The end of the article made me chuckle because they mentioned the use of common sense. In fact, I even posted it to my Facebook because I found it so humorous. What this whole situation boils down to is the ability for people to think about what they do before they do it. It leads to the age old saying of "If he jumped off of a bridge, would you do it?"
Let the hate mail and nasty comments commence since I am sure that I pissed someone off by even posting this. If you don't like my view point, oh well. My opinion and my freedom of speech that I personally FIGHT FOR TO PROTECT. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I'm just saying, think about it. Mull it over and go do some actual research. The world is ruled by technology nowadays so it won't be too hard for you to go find what I mentioned. Just don't be lazy and actually read what you find. Don't let the news and the social media sway you from being a THINKING person capable of your OWN THOUGHTS.
With that in mind,
I'm OUT!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
It's Been A While....
Since I last talked to you guys. Things have been going insane over the course of the last month. I have spent countless hours at work and at home like normal. Spent some nights on watch when I would have rather been spending it asleep at home. You know, the typical things that you would hear a service member whine about. Fights have been had and tears have been shed. Things aren't always sunshine and rainbows around here and we definitely don't try to tell you that it is.
I think I am coming down with a small cold or something because my nose has been runny/stuffy for the last two days. I really should go look for the medicine to see if I can kind of cut this off at the pass. I hate being sick and my wife hates me when I'm sick. I turn into a huge baby about it. I'm eating soup right now so hopefully that will help some. I'm not sure if I told you guys, but I am so ready to get back to a submarine. It's not that I haven't enjoyed shore duty because I have, but I am ready to get back to the normal routine and the job that the Navy is paying me to do.
As I sit here at the desk listening to the kid's show that is playing on the TV and the autoplay of my phone game, I am reminded that today is Sunday and I have to go back to work tomorrow. These last two weeks at work have been short weeks with only four days in them. The last week of June went by crazy fast and I rolled right into the 4th of July weekend like nobody's business. The following week, last week, took forever to get through. Then again, my week did start on a Tuesday so I guess it threw off everything else for the week that was supposed to happen. I actually felt very accomplished last week while I was at work. I legitimately did actual work. I didn't go down to the boat or anything, but I did do a lot of paperwork and the turning in of parts. Then I have spent pretty much the last two days doing virtually nothing. I have dishes and such, but nothing to major. Last Sunday I went all hog wild on the house and cleaned pretty much everything. It was nuts!!
Last night was pretty awesome for all of the boys. We were listening to the live broadcast that my uncle does on a weekly basis and he did a few shoutouts for them and got them to dance. Last night was also the first time that they have gotten to stay up and hear the whole show. Normally, I just put it on and only turn it loud enough for me to hear because I can escape through the music to a happy place. Well, I was drowning the babies last night (bath night) and so I put it on so that I could listen to it while I was tending to them. Needless to say, we stayed up and listened to the whole show. They enjoyed it because they got to listen to the music and dance. It made their day when they heard their names said over the speakers. Beverly was downstairs sleeping because her job is..... well...... I think I will skip out on this subject because it does tend to piss me off and I'm in a good mood so I really don't want to ruin it right now. I think I need another dose of soup. Hold on a sec....... Need to go cook it.... Need it to cool down..... Theoretically she is going to part time hours soon. She told me that in September she is only going to be working two days a week. Friday and Saturday on the grave shift. Sounds like it will be easy enough for her to handle. She is also supposedly not working any other shift nor working any other days. I'll believe that when I see it though.
She is currently on a road trip with one of her friends. They are taking a 14 hour round trip down to southern Oregon to pick up a dog. She hasn't slept the last couple days. Well, slept for more than a few hours for a nap. She got home from work and went all impromptu which usually isn't like her. It's whatever. Hopefully, they make it back in time for me to go to work in the morning. I have money that says I am going to come home from work tomorrow to her sleeping on the couch. My entire paycheck says that is what is going to happen. It's like I know my wife or something.
Is it bad that I slowly count down the hours until bedtime for my kids? It's not that I don't like them, I think it's just that I'm getting older and the only thing I have been wanting to do recently is sleep. I am actually surprised that the last couple days I have gotten to sleep in. Yesterday, I got up before all of the kids. Surprised the hell out of me. I drank my coffee in peace and I even got to watch about half of the 1989 Batman before they all got up and came downstairs. This whole having an extra room upstairs for all of their toys makes things so much easier. If they are all upstairs, then I can watch whatever I want to watch. I do need to get a universal remote for the play room though so that we can have them start watching their movies and stuff upstairs. Then again, getting a new TV for mine and the wife's room sounds like a better idea. That way there they can have a bigger TV and a built in DVD player. Currently, they have my XBox 360 in there as it is collecting dust. I haven't played on it in god knows how long. I think I will hook it up to my TV in my bedroom tonight and play some on it. Although I do need to get my games and controller back from one of my wife's friends since she borrowed some stuff from me.
Well, I guess that it is for this post here in the Arena. It is time for me to get back to being a dad and stop spacing out here on the computer. All I keep hearing is the fighting going on on the TV which means that the Netflix is getting its use out of us. We totally got rid of cable since we pretty much watch everything on the Playstation anyways. Off to go find myself something to watch.
I'm out!!!!
I think I am coming down with a small cold or something because my nose has been runny/stuffy for the last two days. I really should go look for the medicine to see if I can kind of cut this off at the pass. I hate being sick and my wife hates me when I'm sick. I turn into a huge baby about it. I'm eating soup right now so hopefully that will help some. I'm not sure if I told you guys, but I am so ready to get back to a submarine. It's not that I haven't enjoyed shore duty because I have, but I am ready to get back to the normal routine and the job that the Navy is paying me to do.
As I sit here at the desk listening to the kid's show that is playing on the TV and the autoplay of my phone game, I am reminded that today is Sunday and I have to go back to work tomorrow. These last two weeks at work have been short weeks with only four days in them. The last week of June went by crazy fast and I rolled right into the 4th of July weekend like nobody's business. The following week, last week, took forever to get through. Then again, my week did start on a Tuesday so I guess it threw off everything else for the week that was supposed to happen. I actually felt very accomplished last week while I was at work. I legitimately did actual work. I didn't go down to the boat or anything, but I did do a lot of paperwork and the turning in of parts. Then I have spent pretty much the last two days doing virtually nothing. I have dishes and such, but nothing to major. Last Sunday I went all hog wild on the house and cleaned pretty much everything. It was nuts!!
Last night was pretty awesome for all of the boys. We were listening to the live broadcast that my uncle does on a weekly basis and he did a few shoutouts for them and got them to dance. Last night was also the first time that they have gotten to stay up and hear the whole show. Normally, I just put it on and only turn it loud enough for me to hear because I can escape through the music to a happy place. Well, I was drowning the babies last night (bath night) and so I put it on so that I could listen to it while I was tending to them. Needless to say, we stayed up and listened to the whole show. They enjoyed it because they got to listen to the music and dance. It made their day when they heard their names said over the speakers. Beverly was downstairs sleeping because her job is..... well...... I think I will skip out on this subject because it does tend to piss me off and I'm in a good mood so I really don't want to ruin it right now. I think I need another dose of soup. Hold on a sec....... Need to go cook it.... Need it to cool down..... Theoretically she is going to part time hours soon. She told me that in September she is only going to be working two days a week. Friday and Saturday on the grave shift. Sounds like it will be easy enough for her to handle. She is also supposedly not working any other shift nor working any other days. I'll believe that when I see it though.
She is currently on a road trip with one of her friends. They are taking a 14 hour round trip down to southern Oregon to pick up a dog. She hasn't slept the last couple days. Well, slept for more than a few hours for a nap. She got home from work and went all impromptu which usually isn't like her. It's whatever. Hopefully, they make it back in time for me to go to work in the morning. I have money that says I am going to come home from work tomorrow to her sleeping on the couch. My entire paycheck says that is what is going to happen. It's like I know my wife or something.
Is it bad that I slowly count down the hours until bedtime for my kids? It's not that I don't like them, I think it's just that I'm getting older and the only thing I have been wanting to do recently is sleep. I am actually surprised that the last couple days I have gotten to sleep in. Yesterday, I got up before all of the kids. Surprised the hell out of me. I drank my coffee in peace and I even got to watch about half of the 1989 Batman before they all got up and came downstairs. This whole having an extra room upstairs for all of their toys makes things so much easier. If they are all upstairs, then I can watch whatever I want to watch. I do need to get a universal remote for the play room though so that we can have them start watching their movies and stuff upstairs. Then again, getting a new TV for mine and the wife's room sounds like a better idea. That way there they can have a bigger TV and a built in DVD player. Currently, they have my XBox 360 in there as it is collecting dust. I haven't played on it in god knows how long. I think I will hook it up to my TV in my bedroom tonight and play some on it. Although I do need to get my games and controller back from one of my wife's friends since she borrowed some stuff from me.
Well, I guess that it is for this post here in the Arena. It is time for me to get back to being a dad and stop spacing out here on the computer. All I keep hearing is the fighting going on on the TV which means that the Netflix is getting its use out of us. We totally got rid of cable since we pretty much watch everything on the Playstation anyways. Off to go find myself something to watch.
I'm out!!!!
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