This was supposed to be the post from last night but I got to have a man date with a buddy of mine. By man date, I mean that we got to play Diablo 3 for a few hours instead of me doing the normal things that I do before bed.
I also enjoyed doing a full two day marathon of watching all of the Star Wars films just because I can. That is why the title of this post is what it is. I would have done it all in a day, but with the whole having to get up with the children in the morning to get them going kind of makes it hard for me to stay up as late as I used to. I'm still not getting the right amount of sleep that I need, but that's life for you. My wife also happened to pick up another PS3 that had a copy of Destiny included in the bundle. She picked it up from someone else on a resale site so it was nice and cheap. What makes it even better is now there is gaming going on completely through the house.
Yesterday was a pretty decent day that started out rather slow, but picked up as the day progressed. Grocery shopping was accomplished. Children went to their therapies. I did some chores and got the house just that much cleaner. I figure that I am destined to clean my house everyday until the boys are teenagers and pretty much able to fend for themselves. I don't always like to clean, but when I do, there is loud music playing to keep me motivated. I spent better part of my afternoon doing little things around the house in preparation for my video game time that happened last night. We even went out and tried a new restaurant called Dickey's BBQ. I was expecting it to be like every other BBQ joint that I have ever been to. You know, the kind where you sit down, order, and wait for the food to come to you. You get to spend the waiting time talking to family and laughing while smelling the awesome aromas that are coming from the kitchen. Dickey's BBQ is unlike what I just described. It has more of a fast food feel to it than anything else. You order your food, move down the line as it gets made and then you pay for it and take your tray to your seat. Not something that I really wanted to experience at a BBQ joint. The meats were really that hot. They were cooked and "warm", but it wasn't really enjoyable. We really went there because we got gift cards for Christmas from my In-laws. Free money is always nice and the trip was fun. It is just that the restaurant experience left something to be desired.
As I sit here, eating my pigs in a blanket, I want to look back on a year that was full of turmoil. Most of it was my fault and there was a period of time where I was unapproachable and unresponsive for a lot of things. I was closed off and wanted it to stay that way. Needless to say, after a number of fights and issues, things have pretty much gone back to normal. There are some things that need to be worked on, but nothing to serious.
I didn't really want to end this on a somber note, but I really don't have anything else for you until later tonight when I start writing the issue for the New Year's Resolution which will be so aptly titled "New Year's Resolution". So take a breather for a little bit, jump on over to to check out some of the tunes from everyone's favorite DJ +Chuck Bisbee, and wait for the new issue to come out later tonight. For now......
This is SPARTA!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
It is that tragic day yet again. It seems like this comes every week. A Monday that doesn't suck is like going on a diet expecting the best results. Unless you stick it out, the results are going to be the same. I try not to be too drab on a Monday, but it is very hard to look forward to the beginning of a week. Monday always brings early mornings with no enough time to get everything that needs to be done done. I do however, don't have much to do except catching up on laundry and chilling out with the kids. We are re-watching Episode IV of Star Wars again because my oldest stepson didn't get to watch it last night. I made the kids go to bed since it was rather late. I figured that I would be nice enough to continue the happy movie marathon and finish watching the good portion of the saga. I don't know why people think that Episode I through III was so good. I mean, yeah, seeing the back story to how everything unfolded to the events of Episodes IV, V, and VI was a good idea, but it does make me question why we got those episodes first. Visually, the first three episodes were really good. It's not that I don't understand the story because I do, I just don't see why they couldn't make them just a mite bit better.
I'm not even sure if I am excited for the new Episode VII to come out. It is being done by Disney if I'm not mistaken and the cameos by Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher are going to be cool, but I'm more concerned about how it is all going to play out. At least I got my coffee first thing this morning before the kids got up. I'm not sure if I would have been nice to them. Since today happens to be the last Monday of the year, we shall see it through with nothing but movies. We are trying to expand the children's movie watching repertoire so that they will pick something more than the like five movies they always choose to watch. I'm sure that I did the same thing as a child. In our house, things are usually done by movie quotes and song lyrics. It makes life more exciting like that.
At least I got to start out my morning watching one of my boys clean up his lie from last night. I kind of wish that I would have found it last night, but I'm human and I tend to miss things from time to time. We had tuna noodle casserole for supper last night. My son didn't want to eat it because he said it looked funny or something. We made him try it because that is the rule in our house. He did and then told us that he at it all. I found it this morning dumped behind my deep freezer. We knew he was lying last night so I didn't have to yell at him again this morning about it. Basically, tuna creamy pasta from the tuna helper brand done in the oven. My wife makes it just a touch better with the cheese she sprinkles on the top. Normally I make it on the stove, but she makes it in the oven and it just tastes better. Then again, I'm kind of a terrible cook so I don't get to do much in the kitchen. The very limited things that I can cook are made sparingly. I am trying to learn though so that I can be just that much more helpful. Speaking of which, I should probably figure out what I want to make so that I can pull it out if necessary. I guess I can figure out what my lady wants to see if she wants anything in particular. I can wake her up later to find out.
It is very weird to be doing this early in the day since I haven't really had a chance to do anything of importance except go to work for roughly fifteen minutes to check in and show that I am alive and well. Such a waste of time and gas since I got released so quickly. It is whatever though because I won't have to put my uniform on again until later this week. I kinda can't wait to get back into the normal routine of going to work during the week. Leave is nice, but I start going crazy after a week of not going to work. I guess it is the price I pay for wanting to have a little mini vacation. At least I got paid through the whole two weeks. Life tends to be much cooler with a paycheck that doesn't depend on hours worked or clocking in. I will miss this job though once I have to either get out or retire. Depends on which comes first. Random question, does anybody else besides me want a lightsaber? I think it would be pretty cool to have one. I would want a red one though. I'm partial to the color red.
It is time for me to go though because the laundry won't wash, dry, or fold itself. Until next time, enjoy the previous issues and have some fun on a Monday.
This is SPARTA!!
Sunday, December 28, 2014
This is another one of those posts that is a little misleading. What is the first thing that you think of when you see the word "Marathon"? Most people thing of marathon runner or marathon specials. Well in one of these lines of thinking, you would be correct. I am currently attempting to bang out a full marathon of the Star Wars films. I just started A New Hope about ten minutes ago. I don't think that I will actually get through the rest of the movies because I unfortunately have to get up rather early to go into work. Today was my final day of leave after two long weeks. It's cool though because the command is starting the second half of stand down so I am essentially just showing up and then coming home. I really do love days at work like that. It gives me much joy to know that I can still scam out of work for practically no reason.
Yesterday, I went through a marathon of House episodes on the Netflix. There is just something about having a narcissistic, addicted to pain medication doctor telling every one that they are idiots. It is nice watching the older star wars movies even if they have been remastered onto blu-ray discs. I haven't seen them in quite a few years. I even remember way back when +Chuck Bisbee and I used to sit down on his couch and spend the day, the entire day, watching the movie Dune. It was so much fun to just sit there on his couch, relaxing, listening to movie and trying to stay awake to watch the whole thing. It was a three disc long movie. I would like to find it again so that I can see if I can pull an all night movie run.
I'm finally to the part when Luke and the Droids enter the Mos Eisley Cantina. Harrison Ford all killing Greedo and shit. It was never a question of who shot first. I t was always a question of who died and we all know the answer to that. It was definitely Greedo that died. Now that I just finished watching that scene, Greedo really did shoot first. I can't believe that he actually missed. I mean, I know it was all part of the movie, but still. In fact, I am so distracted by this movie right now that I can't really focus on what I am doing here.
Since I have said that, it is time for me to go and finish out my movie before I head up to my tomb.
This is SPARTA!!
Last Sunday
Welcome to the last Sunday of 2014!! Final Sunday of the year means the final week of regular season football. As I stand in the kitchen prepping lunch for the kids and eyeballing the TV in the living room, I am reminded that I haven't done "the last" anything in over a year now. Usually I count down "the last" stuff during the final week of an underway. Haven't had to worry about that so I haven't done it. It is nice to think about those days again knowing that in the short year and a half I have left on shore duty will go by in a flash. It usually happens when you are kind of anticipating going back to the fun portion of your job.
As my wife sleeps on the couch I am also reminded that I don't even remember the last time I got to fall asleep on the couch. Then again, I haven't really been sick at all this year so I really haven't needed to nap. I look back to my childhood and kick myself in the rear because now I really wish that I would have taken all of those naps that my parents tried to make me take. Ah the old hindsight being 20/20 comment. The past is the past and it will never change. On to the present!
I know that I have been doing pretty good and making sure that I get on here once a day to update the site and throw up a pub just because I can. I actually missed last night because I got so deep into a House, M.D. marathon that by the time I realized what was happening, it was 1130 at night. I guess I did ignore the little tweeting voice in my head telling me to pick up the computer and type something out for you guys to have last night. Today's issue will come in twos. You will get one now and before I go to bed tonight, you will get your second issue hot off the press. Just a preview of what you will see to come in the following year. If I miss a day with you guys, the following day will be made up with multiple posts so that you won't get the opportunity to really miss anything. Wednesday will be a happy day for you guys because you will get to read all about the new and exciting things that will be happening in 2015. The things I plan to do, want to do, and will do. The things I won't do, try not to do, and hopefully don't do. It kind of repeats itself but it is a necessary evil.
I was asked the other day if I had enough technology around me. Let me set this up for you. I was playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix on my PS3, which was connected to my 60" TV. I had my phone in my lap because I was talking to 3 different people via text, and I had my Chromebook open surfing the web. Now I can multitask rather effectively. I can talk and piss you off at the same time while finding time to annoy someone else completely. Technology is all around us and I find that trying to avoid it is futile. There are days where I actually do unplug. I do things like chores around the house, read the newspaper, do the puzzles in the newspaper, and generally hang out around the house. Those days are very quiet and they tend to be few and far between. Then again, I grew up with Sega and Nintendo so I really have never been in a time where I haven't had something that wasn't a piece of technology. I remember the year that I got a Playstation one and final fantasy VII. Probably the greatest RPG of all time (in my opinion). I spent so many hours playing that game. Anywho, before I digress completely....
Usually Sundays for me are my lazy day. The day where I do nothing but watch TV and relax before starting the crazy week that I have every week. For those that have been keeping up with me, I have four kids with two of them being special needs. My youngest finally got diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. So now I have a load of more things piled up onto me. I would go into the details of it but that requires another 10 to 15 minutes of just trying to remember everything that I have to do from Monday to Wednesday. Luckily things are kind of calm right now since school is out for winter break. In the coming year I have to be prepared to carry a workload for quite a long time. It's something that I have been preparing to do but haven't actually done.
During the typing of all of this though, I have prepared three different lunches and am still cooking the last one. Again, huge multi-tasker here lol. I still have plenty of things to do today because there is still plenty to do around the house. Laundry day, cleaning day, football day.... The list goes on and on. I do have help this time though even if she is still feeling bad. She is such a trooper. I admire her for her amazing strength to get things done even when she feels horrible. May I introduce the wife? Lol she won't actually be typing but she is around and getting some things done.
As I finish out this issue I would like to remind everyone to be excellent to each other. Know the movie reference? Type it in the comments below and give me a topic to write about. I'll let you choose.
This is SPARTA!!
As my wife sleeps on the couch I am also reminded that I don't even remember the last time I got to fall asleep on the couch. Then again, I haven't really been sick at all this year so I really haven't needed to nap. I look back to my childhood and kick myself in the rear because now I really wish that I would have taken all of those naps that my parents tried to make me take. Ah the old hindsight being 20/20 comment. The past is the past and it will never change. On to the present!
I know that I have been doing pretty good and making sure that I get on here once a day to update the site and throw up a pub just because I can. I actually missed last night because I got so deep into a House, M.D. marathon that by the time I realized what was happening, it was 1130 at night. I guess I did ignore the little tweeting voice in my head telling me to pick up the computer and type something out for you guys to have last night. Today's issue will come in twos. You will get one now and before I go to bed tonight, you will get your second issue hot off the press. Just a preview of what you will see to come in the following year. If I miss a day with you guys, the following day will be made up with multiple posts so that you won't get the opportunity to really miss anything. Wednesday will be a happy day for you guys because you will get to read all about the new and exciting things that will be happening in 2015. The things I plan to do, want to do, and will do. The things I won't do, try not to do, and hopefully don't do. It kind of repeats itself but it is a necessary evil.
I was asked the other day if I had enough technology around me. Let me set this up for you. I was playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix on my PS3, which was connected to my 60" TV. I had my phone in my lap because I was talking to 3 different people via text, and I had my Chromebook open surfing the web. Now I can multitask rather effectively. I can talk and piss you off at the same time while finding time to annoy someone else completely. Technology is all around us and I find that trying to avoid it is futile. There are days where I actually do unplug. I do things like chores around the house, read the newspaper, do the puzzles in the newspaper, and generally hang out around the house. Those days are very quiet and they tend to be few and far between. Then again, I grew up with Sega and Nintendo so I really have never been in a time where I haven't had something that wasn't a piece of technology. I remember the year that I got a Playstation one and final fantasy VII. Probably the greatest RPG of all time (in my opinion). I spent so many hours playing that game. Anywho, before I digress completely....
Usually Sundays for me are my lazy day. The day where I do nothing but watch TV and relax before starting the crazy week that I have every week. For those that have been keeping up with me, I have four kids with two of them being special needs. My youngest finally got diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. So now I have a load of more things piled up onto me. I would go into the details of it but that requires another 10 to 15 minutes of just trying to remember everything that I have to do from Monday to Wednesday. Luckily things are kind of calm right now since school is out for winter break. In the coming year I have to be prepared to carry a workload for quite a long time. It's something that I have been preparing to do but haven't actually done.
During the typing of all of this though, I have prepared three different lunches and am still cooking the last one. Again, huge multi-tasker here lol. I still have plenty of things to do today because there is still plenty to do around the house. Laundry day, cleaning day, football day.... The list goes on and on. I do have help this time though even if she is still feeling bad. She is such a trooper. I admire her for her amazing strength to get things done even when she feels horrible. May I introduce the wife? Lol she won't actually be typing but she is around and getting some things done.
As I finish out this issue I would like to remind everyone to be excellent to each other. Know the movie reference? Type it in the comments below and give me a topic to write about. I'll let you choose.
This is SPARTA!!
Friday, December 26, 2014
Bath Time Blogging
I know that the title sounds funny but I think it is appropriate since I am sitting next to my two youngest children typing away while they are taking a bath. I can get two things done at once. Saves on time later since I have a video game session coming up later tonight after all the kids are in bed. This post might actually take longer than necessary because I will be pausing several times to get them all done before 8 tonight.
I spent most of last night after writing the previous post thinking about what it is that I want to accomplish in the coming year. I know that a few hours before bed isn't exactly the appropriate amount of time to come to terms with life changing choices. I actually have a few things planned out and I think that I will be able to succeed. I do know that instead of just saying that I'm going to do something and blaming my lack of motivation on something else, I plan on giving myself consequences for when I fail to do something or stay in line with my plans for next year. Now, you may be asking, "But Josh, how will we, the people, know that you have failed to do something that you have set out to do?" Well I have an answer for you. I will be posting all about it, live, on The Arena so that you can see my failures as they happen. Well, not exactly live, but you will see me talk about them on here as the day draws to its ever darkening end. I feel that if I publicly talk about my failures or my inability to be able to complete something, you will get to know firsthand that I am fallible too. I'm not perfect, nor do I claim to be. I will have punishments and consequences for my lack of action. None of the consequences will keep me away from here though. That would be just plain silly of me to forsake you of the opportunity to see if I fail or not. Even as I sit here typing this all out for you, the viewers, I can sense that there will be multiple times where you will get to read about how I wasn't able to do something. This line of thinking for me gives me the ability to delve deeper into the root of the issue. It will help me to think about why I did or didn't do something instead of just making up some lame excuse. I want to hold myself to a higher standard and be able to make myself become a better person.
We all want to change and we all make the new year's resolutions to do X. I don't want to just say, "I will do X." I want to say it and then do it. I want you guys to see how easy or hard it is to do things while being able to provide a valuable lesson to those trying to learn something about themselves. Keep an eye out for what I will be telling you. Offer up your suggestions. Criticism is often the best teacher. Oh, and don't think that I want you to tell me what I want to hear. I want honest, blunt advice. Something that stings so it will have an impact in my life. Things like that are hard to come by at times.
On New Year's Eve, I will be publishing my post about my New Year's resolution for all of you to see. The post will include what I hope to accomplish, what I will accomplish, and the changes that I want to make. Also provided, will be the punishment for the error of my ways. Things that I will do to show that I want to make these changes and that I am committed to being a better person. Ironically enough, this should help me hit my goal of being able to publish a post every single day of the year. Not just some short little post saying that I am doing okay and that the day was easy, but in fact, something like this post where it is lengthy. Something with body that will rivet you to your seat until you finish the final word. I know that I have been so horrible about keeping up with this site because I lacked the commitment. Just think of what you can glean from me doing this everyday. I am not much of a writer or a blogger, but I see the busiest people still finding time to get on their sites and let you know what is going on with them and the things that they are experiencing.
So with this, I leave you to the mystery and wonder that is coming up in the next couple days as you get to watch me unfold and grow right before your eyes. Until then, keep it real in the Arena.
This is SPARTA!!
I spent most of last night after writing the previous post thinking about what it is that I want to accomplish in the coming year. I know that a few hours before bed isn't exactly the appropriate amount of time to come to terms with life changing choices. I actually have a few things planned out and I think that I will be able to succeed. I do know that instead of just saying that I'm going to do something and blaming my lack of motivation on something else, I plan on giving myself consequences for when I fail to do something or stay in line with my plans for next year. Now, you may be asking, "But Josh, how will we, the people, know that you have failed to do something that you have set out to do?" Well I have an answer for you. I will be posting all about it, live, on The Arena so that you can see my failures as they happen. Well, not exactly live, but you will see me talk about them on here as the day draws to its ever darkening end. I feel that if I publicly talk about my failures or my inability to be able to complete something, you will get to know firsthand that I am fallible too. I'm not perfect, nor do I claim to be. I will have punishments and consequences for my lack of action. None of the consequences will keep me away from here though. That would be just plain silly of me to forsake you of the opportunity to see if I fail or not. Even as I sit here typing this all out for you, the viewers, I can sense that there will be multiple times where you will get to read about how I wasn't able to do something. This line of thinking for me gives me the ability to delve deeper into the root of the issue. It will help me to think about why I did or didn't do something instead of just making up some lame excuse. I want to hold myself to a higher standard and be able to make myself become a better person.
We all want to change and we all make the new year's resolutions to do X. I don't want to just say, "I will do X." I want to say it and then do it. I want you guys to see how easy or hard it is to do things while being able to provide a valuable lesson to those trying to learn something about themselves. Keep an eye out for what I will be telling you. Offer up your suggestions. Criticism is often the best teacher. Oh, and don't think that I want you to tell me what I want to hear. I want honest, blunt advice. Something that stings so it will have an impact in my life. Things like that are hard to come by at times.
On New Year's Eve, I will be publishing my post about my New Year's resolution for all of you to see. The post will include what I hope to accomplish, what I will accomplish, and the changes that I want to make. Also provided, will be the punishment for the error of my ways. Things that I will do to show that I want to make these changes and that I am committed to being a better person. Ironically enough, this should help me hit my goal of being able to publish a post every single day of the year. Not just some short little post saying that I am doing okay and that the day was easy, but in fact, something like this post where it is lengthy. Something with body that will rivet you to your seat until you finish the final word. I know that I have been so horrible about keeping up with this site because I lacked the commitment. Just think of what you can glean from me doing this everyday. I am not much of a writer or a blogger, but I see the busiest people still finding time to get on their sites and let you know what is going on with them and the things that they are experiencing.
So with this, I leave you to the mystery and wonder that is coming up in the next couple days as you get to watch me unfold and grow right before your eyes. Until then, keep it real in the Arena.
This is SPARTA!!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
New Gig
As you can see from the lack of posts on my unhappy site here, you can tell that I have been a very busy person. I haven't been neglecting you, I have just been dealing with many aspects of my life that have needed attention.
So I have picked up a new gig that I like to call a netbook. Well more specifically a Chromebook. I wasn't actually expecting to get one for Christmas. My wife just keeps surprising me with how awesome she is. Now, as I lay here in bed watching House on Netflix, I can readily update you guys on the things that are happening around The Arena. I won't go into to too much here because this just isn't the right time for me to do it.
It is however, the ending of the year. In the words of my Uncle, the head Bohicanite, it is time to clean up and make a better 2015. I love that guy. He is always good for ideas and laughs. This next year is going to be different by a long shot. There are things I get to do differently. Things I get to do the same. Some things that I get to do for the very first time. Now the song is stuck in my head. "Like a virgin..." Yeah I'm kind of a headcase. Luckily I have a psychologist for that. If you can't understand that I tend to live my days through movie quotes and song lyrics, then we can't be friends. Not really, but I do hope that you are at least smart enough to know when it happens.
I will happily end this little blurb here though because I have to go plan out my "New Year's Resolution". Why do people call it that? Is it because they want something to blame when they don't do as they planned? Whatever the reason, I need to go plan mine so that I can get it all mapped out and planned. I want to actually achieve some things in the coming new year. Something that I can be proud of instead of just saying "I made it through another year."
From the Arena,
So I have picked up a new gig that I like to call a netbook. Well more specifically a Chromebook. I wasn't actually expecting to get one for Christmas. My wife just keeps surprising me with how awesome she is. Now, as I lay here in bed watching House on Netflix, I can readily update you guys on the things that are happening around The Arena. I won't go into to too much here because this just isn't the right time for me to do it.
It is however, the ending of the year. In the words of my Uncle, the head Bohicanite, it is time to clean up and make a better 2015. I love that guy. He is always good for ideas and laughs. This next year is going to be different by a long shot. There are things I get to do differently. Things I get to do the same. Some things that I get to do for the very first time. Now the song is stuck in my head. "Like a virgin..." Yeah I'm kind of a headcase. Luckily I have a psychologist for that. If you can't understand that I tend to live my days through movie quotes and song lyrics, then we can't be friends. Not really, but I do hope that you are at least smart enough to know when it happens.
I will happily end this little blurb here though because I have to go plan out my "New Year's Resolution". Why do people call it that? Is it because they want something to blame when they don't do as they planned? Whatever the reason, I need to go plan mine so that I can get it all mapped out and planned. I want to actually achieve some things in the coming new year. Something that I can be proud of instead of just saying "I made it through another year."
From the Arena,
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